Chapter 3

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"Actually, not to alarm you or anything, but I'm making up the plan as we go," Strange said calmly, "Now come on, and stop wasting time." He started to walk again, keeping up a quick pace that had her jogging again.

Casey wanted to haul back and punch him in the shoulder, but she somehow restrained herself. "Wait, wait, wait, so, what, you just magic-ed your way into the shop without any idea of what you were going to do next?"

"I had an idea, exactly like I have one now. It's just not an elaborate, detailed plan." They took a turn, following the magical GPS system he was using to guide them. "We're going to catch up to Arpath and your grandfather and then proceed to eject Arpath back to his dimension using a vortex. Simple."

"Oh, yeah, so simple." This was insane. This guy was insane, the situation was insane, the evil monster guy was insane. None of this made any sense, and knowing that her only current source of assistance didn't really have a solid plan wasn't at all encouraging. "Can't we call Spider-Man? Or do you know anyone else?"

"What would Spider-Man do, web Arpath to a wall? They deal with a different kind of threat," Strange said as they came to a quiet alley. They slowed down, but he kept striding forward purposefully, the flowing cape giving him an official kind of appearance. Casey walked beside him in her hoodie and ripped blue jeans, looking far less impressive but also less like a cosplayer who had accidentally wandered away from ComicCon. Then again, he must've looked like he was wearing normal clothes to anyone else. "However, I may need your help."

She shook her head. "Like what? I can swing a bat pretty good." Or her crowbar. She did still have that, after all.

"That's not what I had in mind. More like I need you to be bait. I won't let him hurt you, but if he thinks he can, I can spin this in our favor."

Sorry? Ahaha, nope, no way, she wasn't a damsel in distress or anything. She was a A-B average student and excellent softball player type who worked in a sports memorabilia store, and she was a badass. Nothing weak about her, nothing bait-ish. "I think I'd be better off smacking at him with the crowbar."

"We're almost there." Strange stopped by a pair of trashcans and turned toward her. "Crowbars aren't exactly useful weapons against interdimensional monsters. But if you can't do this, it's all right. Maybe I can recreate a look-alike dummy. The likelihood of him falling for it is basically nil, but, you know-"

That bit of doubt made Casey bristle. "Fine. Teach me to be bait, Dumbledore."

He lifted an eyebrow but didn't fuss at her. Maybe they were running out of time for that, which made her more nervous. He held up his right hand, and she noticed his shaking fingers. Huh, not exactly the most steady of hands. Was he nervous too?

Oh geez, was this his first time being a superhero for real? Oh man, they were probably going to die. Not awesome.

He gestured toward her, and she was able to see a shimmering mist cover her, wrapping her up tight even though she couldn't actually feel it. "That'll shield you from his fire if he gets angry. I just need you to go up to that blue door over there and try to get him to come out. You're the one he's really after, so he should leave your grandfather behind when he sees you. I'll set a trap for when he emerges."

Fire? What... "And you really think that's going to work?" Casey asked, brushing at the golden shimmer on her skin. She lifted her glasses for a second, and the shimmer disappeared before reappearing when she lowered her glasses back onto the bridge of her nose.

Strange nodded. "I'd honestly rather not put you in danger, but if I go in first, I'm afraid he might take out his frustration on your grandfather." He looked down at her. "I'll be right behind you, Casey. I won't let anything happen to you."

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