Flyleaf (Flashback: Jimmy & Sameere childhood moments)

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Jimmy waiting for Sameere -------------->

(how they met)

Jimmy's P.O.V

I looked at my parents grave and held my sister close as she looked at the graves. "When are they coming back?" I shed a tear but had no emotion on my face, I hated showing emotion but could never hide it from my sister for very long. "They won't be coming back, until you dream about them." She smiles and hugs me. I look at a tree to see a boy standing there, no older than my sister. I'm 9 and she's 7. He looks no older than my sister. 

Someone comes up to us and hugs my sister. "I have to go do something real quick" My aunt looks at me. "You know you can show emotion around people right?" She looks at my trying to get me to show emotion. I kiss my sisters head and go and see the boy standing there.

Sameere's P.O.V

I sit there crying hearing my fathers words over and over again. "Mabey if you weren't such a fagot, then your mate wouldn't have rejected you" I ran right after I heard it. Despite how many crys for me my mother and sister made. I feel and hear somebody sit next to me, I look at him and meet some very hot grey eyes. He smiles and puts his arms around me as I cry on his shoulder. "Shhhh,shhhhh. Whatever it is it's not worth it." 

"I'm Jimmy." I smile at him "I'm Sameere"

(Jimmy finds out Sameere is gay, 3 weeks after they meet)

Sameere and I are just walking around listening to some Ramones when some random kid comes up to us. "Whats up fagot? Finally find a dumbass that doesn't know your gay, and doesn't see how obvious it is?" I look at Sameere and a tear goes down his face. I look back at the kid and change my eye color and he backs away. "Damn wolvs" He mumbles as he runs away.

"Your gay?" He doesn't look at me. "Dude you okay? Is there something wrong?" He looks at me in disbaleaf. "Your not against it?" I shake my head slowly like he sounds crazy. "Why would I be? It happens all the time! What are they gonna do about it anyway?" He opens his mouth but closes it again and shrugs his shoulders. I smirk in triumph.

(Jimmy and Sameere hook-up, 3 1/2 years after they meet)

I just sit there waiting for Sameere to show up when the usual dusch bag homophobic shows up. Damn I have no clue what his name is, I also really don't care. As he gets closer I put my hood up in the hope that the fact that I don't see him, meens I won't kill him.

By the time he finally leaves, Sameere comes out of where he was hiding. "What happened?" He asks and I just look at him. I feel this sudden pull twords him and my wolf growls MATE! I just look at him. Without even thinking I put my lips on his and I feel him freeze. But eventually he relaxes and kisses me back.

We ended up having a make-out session and when I asked for intrest he let me in. But he sure as hell can fight for dominance. I rubed my boner against him after 5 minutes just to get him to give in. He moans and I finally win. "Thats. Cheating." He says in-between breaths. I laugh panting.

(Sameere's dad finds out, 2 months after they start dating)

"YAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I walk into screaming from a little girl. Sameere jumped at the sound and grabbed my hand. I laughed until he pulled away when some random guy that looks like Sameere shows up. "Who the hell is he?" Sameere starts shaking in fear. "It's his boyfriend daddy!" The little girls screams for joy. Only if she knew why he was so pissed about it.

He takes us into a different room. "I don't want you fags showing affection for eachother around my daughter! Got it!?" Sameere jumps but I just looked bored at him befor showing him that I was a wolf without actually shifting.

All of a sudden we hear Sameere's mom come in. "Damien James Bhattacharya you leaves those boys be! They can love eachother if they want! Now if I hear that word or anything like it come out of your mouth again I will take the kids and leave DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!" That last part made me jump. I go up to Sameere and whisper in his ear. "Dude, your mom is so cool!!!!" He laughs and its the first time I've seen him smile since we got here.

*There's some history of them for you. Felt bad for kinda leaving out importantish details about their relationship.*

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