Chapter 12: The Loved Ones Left Alive

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"My brother," Coco said nervously and in pain. "He carried you out here, but then went back to save Elora. You have to help him Spyro! Don't let my brother die! Please!"

Spyro instantly spread his wings and took flight towards the deadly Time Twister, desperate to save Elora and Crash from their impending deaths.

Aku-Aku remained draped around Crash's neck, prepared to suffer the same fate Crash was about to suffer. He would be with him, even in the end. <My brother, Uka-Uka, was destroyed by this machine which bends time. It seems fitting I am destroyed by it as well. To preserve balance; to maintain symmetry. I just wish my chosen hero... my friend Crash, nor Spyro's friend, Elora, didn't have to suffer this grim fate as well. It will devastate their loved ones left alive. Mysteriously Fate has ordained Coco and Spyro remain alive.>

<Spyro, he's rushing to save the love of his life! Even I can feel the energy surging from the castle ahead of him. I can't let him die Aku-Aku! That is my purpose for existing. The world needs him, even if he is trapped in the future he has to live!>

<No one's Fate is predetermined; it is simply shown to us one second at a time. And neither is anyone's purpose set in stone. Saving Spyro's life, if you must make the ultimate sacrifice to do so, will be your choice, Sparx. What Spyro makes of the path Fate has laid for him, he will tread because of your love for him, not because of an obligation to him. What you will choose to do is noble and heroic, done with honor and with courage. Similar to how my chosen hero is selflessly placing his life in peril to save the Elora's life. It's his choice, not his destiny... My time on this Earth is running out. I've spent millennia on it, serving as its Spirit of Order. But eventually every life comes to this crossroad. Not an end, instead a transition into a realm eternal. It's been a pleasure knowing you Sparx. If you attempt to drain your life force in your current state, it will kill you. And if you choose to make that sacrifice for your brother... then I'll see you on the other side my friend.>

The Time Twister exploded, instantly vaporizing Cortex, who had to his word stayed behind and tried to salvage the machine which would better humanity and redeem himself in his own eyes for what Uka-Uka made him do the past several years. Crash and Elora, holding hands, met the same fate together as well. Aku-Aku, in his final moments, said his last goodbye to Sparx. Spyro was caught in the explosion, met with violent winds, hurdling debris, and scorching temperatures. He was flung backwards by the shockwave of the explosion, tumbling down to the Earth before collapsing in a heap on the verge of death. Sparx had trailed behind Spyro, his two previous attempts to save Spyro's life weakening him considerably. This had caused him to be unable to keep up with Spyro as he flew as fast as he could to recuse Elora and Crash. As such, Sparx's further distance from the explosion had kept him alive, if not in incredible pain as he too plummeted to the ground once the shockwave hit him.

This was his Fate. Being here to save Spyro's life was always what he was supposed to do. He's known this for as long as he's been alive. Though Aku-Aku's parting words put a new perspective on his life's purpose. I'm doing this because I want to, not just because I'm supposed to. I am Spyro's brother, not just his protector. I love him and Spyro loves me back. So I'm going to give EVERYTHING I have to save my brother's life, because that's what loved ones do for each other.

Sparx had lost consciousness for a few seconds, and when he regained it, he was underneath rubble. Aku-Aku was gone, his spirit ascended and unreachable as Aku-Aku predicted moments ago, for Sparx could no longer sense his presence in his mind. His selfless, chosen hero, Crash, was gone as well, along with Spyro's best friend and would be love, Elora. Coco... Sparx could still sense her; she had lost consciousness during the explosion as well, but was still alive by the beachside. And then there was Spyro. He clung to life, barely able to maintain his grip on it. He was as close to death as one could be, on the verge of losing the battle to remain alive. Sparx, with one of his four wings gone and three of his six legs broken, made his way towards Spyro. He was not going to let his brother die. He was going to survive this.

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