Older Than Your Years

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In 2018 the cure for cancer was so close to being treated that people finally had hope . I was 5 when I was first diagnosed what stage 3  unoperable brain cancer . there was no complete cure for it at the time and I couldn't have any type of radiation because every time we did radiation it made it grow bigger . there was something however that my parents were willing to try, it was experimental but should great promise. it was a machine that could fast forward your brains maturity level , and give you fabricated memories of you or your family's choice. my parents went ahead with the experimental process and fast forwarded me to the mental age of 13 . the doctors gave me memories of going to school and learning things. I was extremely smart and, showed signs of mental pubescense by the time I was too sick to move out of my bed they had come up with the cure but, I had already gone to the procedure having my mind fast forwarded, the process turned out to be unfixable so I could not go back to being the same age as I was mentally, so then I was a 13 year old in a six year old body . I was constantly angry with my parents for what they did to me, they didn't have faith and took a chance and now I have to suffer the consequences for their actions. 

I am Kyle Gregory , and I am older than my years.

present-day 2023

first day of sophomore year.

Here I am my first day of school in a 10 year old body, not many other kids survive the experiments, I was one of the 'lucky' ones . actually I'm the only lucky one, the specific kind of brain cancer I had allowed the experiment to work wholly on my brain .

I switched to a new school this year due to bullying problems . I walked into the central office and got my schedule walking to the lockers as people stared at me . the lockers aren't anything like the ones I bet you're thinking of these are made of electricity and are automatic to your voice and fingerprints . I step up to mine and it says

" identify yourself."

" Kyle Gregory 3rd year." I reply .the Machine searches the database for my information and then tells me to put my hand on the finger pad and I do just that but with a little bit of difficulty ,due to my size.  " Kyle Gregory age 10, height 4 foot 11 inches , weight 62.5  pounds . entrance accepted." the machine says opening. I put my head down and blush a light pink because the Machine Had said everything about me I didn't want anybody to know and people were staring at me now.

" thanks alot ." I mumble sarcastically to the Machine.

" you are welcome Mr .Gregory." the machine says rather loudly. people burst out laughing . I quickly shoved all my books and book bag into the locker and then get everything I need for my classes , a embarrassed dark red blush crawled across my cheeks as I ran to my first class . even though I ran to class I was still about 2 minutes late and when I walked in the most embarrassing thing happened, I was too short to reach the panel that said I was in class . I pouted and slammed my book down on the floor standing on them then put my hand on the pad , it recognize me and I walked into class again . the entire class including the teacher had watched this little interaction and are now snickering .

" sweety,are you lost?" the lady teacher asked me. anger boiled in me and I turn around to look at her.

      " NO! I'm not fucking lost I go to this school you goddam cunt!" I yell red faced with anger. she looks stunned for a moment and then she looks guilty.

" you must be mister Gregory,I presume." She says blushing as I glare harshly back at her.

" yes." I bark back.

" well introduce yourself and ...tell your story if you'd please." she says kindly .

" the name's Kyle Gregory, only living survivor of the age gen. projects, and 18 year old in a 10 year old body." I say harshly walking to a empty seat and sitting there .

" that seat's taken kid." the guy next to me said.

" like hell it is Asshole." I snip at him. He retreats and looks a little flustered . Did I forget to tell you that I'm a extremely pretty little boy , big blue eyes fluffy blonde hair and the perfect little porcelain face the doctor say when I grow up I'm going to be perfectly shaped. one of the very many side effects of the age gen. projects. the lesson starts and I zoned out.

Schools going to be a blast...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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