Chapter 20: Fluff Land

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Chapter 20-Fluff Land

"Sakura..." Sasuke called, beside her bed trying to wake her up.

"Ugh." She groaned and snuggled deeper under her covers.

"Sakura, wake up!" he said a little bit louder this time, shaking her shoulders.

"Hn...I'm trying to sleep mother!" Sakura wrinkled her nose and muttered angrily. Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. And a vein popped out, MOTHER! Do I sound like a GIRL! Why you...

Sasuke got onto the bed angrily and placed his mouth beside her ear. "SAKURA, WAKE UP!"


"WAKE UP DAMMIT!" He yelled even louder this time.

"WHA-Okay I'm u-ahhhhhh!" she screamed at the sight of Sasuke and punched him in the gut as hard as she could. Sasuke fell down the bed and landed on his side clutching his stomach.

"Ahh, a robber! A thief! A perverted asshole that acts like my mother!" she screamed and quickly got her pillow, using it as a shield. Sasuke moaned and winced in pain.

"Ahhhh...huh?" she stopped screaming as she peeredfrom her pillow, "Sasuke! Oh my god! Sasuke, is that you?" she gasped.

"No, I'm you mother." He said sarcastically and slowly lifted himself up. Sakura hopped down from her bed and went over to help him up.

"Man, you punch hard! Is that the way you greet everyone in the morning?" he groaned and sat on her bed stroking his stomach and abdomen. Sakura blushed and exclaimed, "It was an accident! You scared me half to death! How was I supposed to react?"

"You react by looking first to see who it is before you decided to randomly punch someone in the gut." He said even more sarcastically this time.

"Well sorry, I really didn't mean it, how did you get in here anyway?" She asked.

"You gave me a key to your house, remember?"

"Well why didn't you ring the doorbell first or knock on my door first! If you had, you wouldn't get hurt by me now."

"Well I did, but you were too busy sleeping your head off."

"Okay, I'm really sorry okay? I'm a heavy sleeper! And what are you doing here?" Sakura apologized.

"I came here to tell you that Naruto and the gang wants to go to this amusement park that my family opened and they are inviting you and me to go." He replied, accepting her apology.


"Well now that everything is cleared, you better get dressed now cuz we're leaving in twenty minutes." Sasuke informed, and saw a little doll beside Sakura's pillow that looked exactly like him but chibified. It was wearing a white shirt with ablue tie and black pants.

Sakura saw him looking and her doll, and she picked it up tenderly. "See, isn't it cute! Hehe, it looks cuter than the actual person." She teased. Sasuke looked insulted for a moment, then smirked, "Well at least the actual one is alive."

"Hmph, well get out! I need to change." Sakura ordered and ushered him out. When she came downstairs all dressed up and ready, she found Sasuke watching TV while stroking Yuki who was on his lap.

Sakura quickly got her camera and took a picture of them, it was a Kodak moment. "Are you ready?" he asked seeing her by the doorway.

"Yep." She said cheerfully and they went to the door to put on their shoes. "Look after the house Yuki, bye!"

They got on Sasuke's car and drove off."So what is the park called?" Sakura asked.

"T.A.P, Tokyo Amusement Park." He answered.

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