chapter 8

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Hello guys its me here nick the votes from previous chapter are here and the winner is A so i hope you enjoy

Auhtor p.o.v
You were still afraid that miia was going find you so you looked up seeing that she was gone and you give sigh of relief but what you don't know is miia heard someone just make a sigh which constantly gave her the suspicious

Y/n: well i think i should be safe for now

But what he dosen't know that miia went to the next aisle to see what was going on until she saw you were crouching behind the drinking aisle and she gave the creepy look on you

Miia: giiiiiiiiiiiiii

You looked to the left and see that you have been found by miia

Y/n: oh oh

Miia: y/n i found you now you belong to me

You got up and ran outside the store as fast you can while miia was slithering to catch you but she devious idea

Miia: hmmmm maybe after the whole hunt their is only one place to go hide and i know where it is ~~~

She went towards the idea place while you werr running and thinking if she still chase you . You arrive at the bridge and thinking  how far did you run

Y/n: wow i should have enter a marathon if i keep running like this

So you start walking along the bridge until you heard someone was running towards you and you turn to the voice who called you and see it was centorea

Centorea: y/n!!!!!! I have found you

Y/n: oh man not again

So you start running to the opposite direction and hoping to find a hiding spot but it was not easy because every time you make a turn in any street you keep seeing the girls who chase you and also the peolpe who was woking with smith also chasing you . So you start running back to your house but you were cautious about it like something up . So you enter your house very slowly and stealth

Y/n: hmmm looks like no one here ....yet

But you thought about the one person who always been very stealthy and like to suprise you

Y/n: wait a minute why does the atmosphere feel like i am been watched . No way rachnera san could be here bcos i saw her a few minutes ago hiding in the shadows

So you start walking to each room of the house to see if there is anyone in it

Timeline skip a few minutes later

You check every room even the attic in the house and see no one was there except there is only one room you did'nt check .... your room . You walked to your room to see if anyone is there so you open the door slowly to see carefully but what you did'nt notice that someone was already in your room

???:just a little bit closer then his mine

So you walked to your bed and see there was nothing was in your room until your closet door was open and you surprise that the person who open the closet and jumped at you it was miia she's been waiting for this plan to work

Flashback a few hours ago

After miia was fail to catch you with your incredible speed she decide to hide at the safest place which is your house in your room so when she arrive and went in your room and decide to hide in the closet

Miia: he won't know what hit him

Present time

You have been spotted and caught by miia that means you have lost and miia won

Miia: yay i won that means i can get to sleep with you for a week

Y/n: i am impress miia well since its about to be dark soon i should call everyone say that game is over

You walked to the door but miia pulled you back to bed

Miia: maybe later how about you sleep with me and confront them tomorrow

Y/n: okay i guess i am a little bit tired

Miia: okay let's sleep tomorrow its a new day

Y/n: yes miia i love you

Miia: i love you too y/n

Flash back ended

Y/n: ohh so that's what happen

Miia: yup now y/n you have the others to tell who have won the game

Y/n: yea your right well i hope they won't get mad right??

Author note
Hey waddup guys its me here and i want to say i am sorry for short chapter bcos i have fever and so tired i hope you can forgive me and i think that's it for today i am thenick5o and i will see you guys later peace out

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