Carolyn "That Girl" Williams

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"I panted heavily as I stopped running to hide in a nearby alley, I hope he didn't see me, I don't think I have much energy left to run or fight back"


Waking up to a strong light shining straight on my closed eyes, I knew the sun was raised high up in the sky, so it was time to wake up, although I would've loved to sleep in a little bit more, my father wouldn't allow it.

I opened my curtains just so I can open my window and  let the fresh air in, it was odd that there was strong wind on a sunny day?, but I loved it.

I sat on my bed looking outside my window which was right next to my bed on my left side.

I wonder how this beautiful sight of the outside can be such a lie in disguise.

*strong banging on the door*


Scared I quickly got up and closed my curtains and rushed downstairs to cook something for my hungry father.

I didn't make myself something to eat because that would've upset him, instead I cleaned some of the house and waited until he was done eating to wash his dirty dishes.

As soon as he called out to me saying he was done, I rushed downstairs from cleaning the upstairs restroom and went straight to washing the dishes after I had cleaned the table.

I would've made myself breakfast since I had the chance, but for some reason I didn't feel hungry at all. Even though I should've took the opportunity to eat since I knew I wouldn't probably have another.

After I had finished washing the dishes and other shores, I went straight to my room to clean it and clean myself up also.

I had alot of homework to do, so as soon I was done showering, I went straight to work.

Of course I would take breaks whenever my father called out for me when he needed me.

I sometimes wish I lived a normal teenager life.


The next day was Monday, which meant time for school, as I call it "the contuniation of hell".

I woke up around 6am and got ready so I had enough time to make my father his breakfast and myself afterwards.

I lived right infront of the high school, so all I had to do was wait for the bell to ring to go to class.

I didn't have any friends anyways, so I never had any rush or purpose to be at school earlier, other than the times I had to make up something.

See, I'm what you call an "outcast" or as students like to call me an "emo", "nerd", "weirdo", your choice.

The only reason why I attend school, besides the educational purpose and the fact that I get picked on, I like it because I get to get away from my abusive father.

Yes, he's abusive, which is why I listen to whatever he tells me to do, if not things can go very wrong for me.

I'm the type of girl that you usually see sitting in the back of the class avoiding others, and a loner during break between class periods.

The only good thing about my school is that it has a field which is close to some mountains, and we often have good weather.In my case it is because i've always loved the view of cloudy, rainy, and snowy days. It totally fits into my style "emo weather" which is what I call it just to be silly.

The classes aren't so bad either. I have graphic design, art 1, english 3, journalism, photography, and music appreciation. For being an artistic person, this is a dream school, but with the exception of not being social.

I am a straight A student, and it's not because I have to be, but because I like the feeling of actually being good at something.

I'm often told by my teachers that i'm really smart and a great student. Even though it is good to be recognized by teachers, to me they're still total strangers.  I just wish I had parents that would be proud of me, or at least someone else that cared about me.


School had gone by slowly as it usually did for me daily since I just sat there and stared at the clock most of the time. Even though i'm a straight A student, I have problems concentrating when the teacher is speaking. I've always wondered if I can possibly have ADHD or something. I would like to know, but visiting a doctor isn't an option at all......

I was now sitting in my little room doing my homework of course, it's not like I have anything else to do but the same routine over and over again every day.


It wasn't until the night when things got a little bit tense for me.


I was making dinner for my father,  and I accidentally dropped the pan that I was cooking in, the food had spilt all over the floor. It was unordinary of me to have done that since I never make any mistakes. Especially when i'm around my father, I make sure to be extra carefull of my actions.


As the pan hit the floor, I soon turned around to face my father who was settled down by the table behind me. I turned around just to see exactly what I feared of. There he was standing with an expression on his face fill of anger.


I stood there feeling like an idiot from what I have done. It wasn't just the feeling of being an idiot, but mostly the fear that shocked me in to standing still without any words or movements.


Well it didn't take long after my shock to realize what was going to happen next, I knew exactly what was going to happen.


Here it comes, I feel my punishment coming, but what can I do about it anyways. It's not like i'm not used to it anyways.


Carolyn "That Girl" Williams (Being Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now