My Eyes Have Seen Their Lies.

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It was 3:15am on a friday morning. My sister and I were fast asleep in each of our rooms, and my mother in hers.

I remember all of us being awaken by a loud and hard slam coming from the front door of the house.

Then I heard my mother rushed into my room with my sister in her arms, she had told me to stay in my room with my door locked just to be safe.

At first I objected of her going on her own because I didn't want her to be harmed or to be in danger in any way.

I gave in though to stay locked in my room due to the fact of and for my little sister's safety.

I watched as my mother left the room knowing anything could happen next.

Even though she wasn't showing much signs of fear, I knew deep down inside of her she was frightened.


I heard her footsteps as she went down the stairs.

Getting farther and farther away for my ears to be able to listen to.

I put my sister down to lay in my bed of hopes of being able to listen to what was going on if I put my ear against the door. If that didn't work I knew I would have the courage to go downstairs myself.


I silently stood there trying to listen, trying to hold my breath for more silence, but I couldn't hear anything.

I knew what I had to do next.


I looked back at my sister whom was laying peacefully in my bed without a clue.

I asked myself while standing there silently looking at her if what I was about to do,was the best choice?.

I thought no more and part of me suddenly took over, and I was headed towards the door.


I opened it as silently as I could.

Once I was out my bedroom door, I did what I thought would be best, before closing it I locked it from the inside for my little sister's safety.

I took baby steps as I headed towards the stairs.

I was carefull enough to not come across any squeaky parts of the old wooden floor.


As I started going down the stairs, I could feel my heart starting to beat faster and faster each second.

My ears were finally starting to hear voices, but they were still far away.


I was now in the middle of the stairs heading down them, and the voices were now clear enough for me to understand what it was being said.

I just couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I have never been familiar with these noises.

It was like something out of a horror movie.

All the shouting and fighting verbally.

It was a side of my parents I  never even knew existed.

Here I was now at the last stair, and slowly heading towards the kitchen where they were located.

I then proceeded to hide behind the counter where I would be able to have a clear view even though they couldn't have one of me.

What my eyes saw next was not something I was prepared for.


I felt my heart beat faster like it never had before, my skin color turning to a blush, my body weakened rapidly at the sight, my eyes were in tears, my mouth opened wide open in shock but without a sound,,,I thought to myself, NO!


My instincts were kicking in and telling me to help my mother out, but what can such a young girl do of my age???


I had no choice but to watch as my mother screamed in fear and pain as my father beat her up with punches after punches.

I was in disbelieve of what I was seeing especially since a couple of minutes ago nothing like this was happening.

Yes they were screaming and arguing with each other, but I didn't think it would lead to a physical fight.

Then again I remembered the words they were discussing as I was coming down the stairs.

Apparently my father had gotten into drinking and doing the drugs.

Well, that explains his sudden mood changes.

And now my mother is paying the price of his under the influence.

Believe me when I say I want to help, but what can I do?

I have never experience this side of William before, I wondered to myself if he would do the same to me,,,I had no more thoughts, and I was soon standing up to head into the kitchen.

I honestly don't know what took over my body at that moment, but I guess I found my inner strength as people call it.

It was a silly choice though since I know i'm both physically and mentally weak.


I then ran to my mother's side

who was laying on the floor

her face covered with blood, and her body also covered with bruces, lots of them.

"Dad please stop hitting mom!!!"- I cried out.

I cought his attention before he went at it again.

His eyes where soon set on me, but his face wasn't occupied by guilt or sorryness, no, it was lightened more with anger.

I saw from the bottom of my eyes my mother had turned around to face me as soon as she heard my cry.

Her eyes filled with fear.

I stood there crying at the sight, but I didn't know what would happen next.

He then grabbed me..


"RRRRIIIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG" my alarm clock went off.

I can't believe I had a dream of my past.

Carolyn "That Girl" Williams (Being Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now