Naughty Little Kitten

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He walked out of the bedroom and found the office was empty and there was soft music playing downstairs in the club. Akihito didn't want to wait so he transformed into his kitten form and opened the door by jumping on the lever noticing only 2 body guards standing outside he slipped past both of them and jumped in the god given open elevator and pressed the one button jumping off the rail and pressing it falling to the ground landing on his feet. One guard noticed him and he yelled starting to run towards the elevator fast but the doors were already closing. He stuck his tongue out right as the door closed and he rode down the elevator. As the doors opened on the 1st floor Akihito ran out making his way towards the entrance but was snatched up halfway through he yelped and meowed then realized he was in the mouth of a predator his panther Asami. "And where do you think your going little nekotan?" Akihito sighed "Well I was coming to see you but you ruined the surprise baka" Asami growled "I told you to wait naughty little kitten" whispering the last part so it echoed in Akihito's mind and down his body as he shivered in anxiousness. Asami started to go back to his office but turned around and made his way back outside to the limo. He dropped Akihito in and jumped in himself Kirishima closing the door and leaving to drive back to the penthouse. Asami pinned the little kitten down with his paw and growled next to Akihito's ear "Stay kitten it's time I show you how I really am" Akihito meowed in fright. They arrived at Asami's penthouse Asami picking Akihito in his mouth and jumped out of the limo riding up the elevator to his penthouse. Asami threw Akihito over to the bed and Akihito transformed back into a human then jumped off the bed running for the door but Asami pounced on him then dragged him back by his shirt to the bed and threw him back down pouncing on top and pinning him down with his paws. "So shall I show you how I am or punish you for being naughty?" Akihito blushed and looked away trying to wiggle out of from under him. Asami leaned up off him and took a minute to transform back into a human. Akihito took the opportunity and jumped off the bed running for the door having no hope of getting out as two strong arms wrap around his waist and pull him back over onto the bed and threw him down once more. "that's twice now you've tried to escape nekotan". Asami leaned down and kissed Akihito passionately. Akihito gasped as Asami's warm lips met his Asami took the opportunity to slip his tongue invading Akihito's mouth. Akihito moaned and pushed against Asami trying to get off of him. Asami felt Akihito pushing him back but as the kiss deepened and got more passionate he felt Akihito start to cling to him moaning for him. Asami pulled away after a couple moments looking down at his cute little Akihito, His face was red, mouth half open panting. Asami leaned down kissing Akihito's neck and pulled up his shirt running his hands over Akihito's fairly muscular chest scraping against his nipple then moving away teasing him. "Asami" Akihito moaned softly his head going slightly back "we shouldn't" he groaned but Asami was too focused and too far gone. Asami moved his other hand down to Akihito's crotch and rubbed him through his jeans. Akihito let out a loud gasp then bit down on his lip trying to hold down the lewd noises coming from his mouth. "Don't hold back your voice I want to hear everything that comes from you my cute little Akihito" Akihito blushed but still bit his lip. Asami frowned and growled but moved his hand up and down the whole length of Akihito. Then moved his hand inside his pants. Akihito cried out as Asami gripped him grasping at Asami's arm. "Asami!" he moaned out his name. Asami smirked at the change of volume in his voice it going all down his back and to his crotch making him hard. "That's right little Akihito moan only for me I will make your body so dependent on me that you won't be able to spend a single second without me my little nekotan" "Yes I want to able to never live without you like you can never live without me, do so Asami" Akihito thought to himself but it ran through their soul bond making Asami smile and continue with his onslaught on Akihito's body and soul. Asami slipped Akihito's shirt off of his chest then slowly pulled down his pants throwing them to the floor. Asami undid his red tie then slipped out of his shirts and pants still holding the tie as he pulled Akihito's arms up and wrapped them around the bedpost tying him to the bedpost tightly. Asami then leaned forward and licked up and down Akihito's cut scars causing pleasurable pain to run up and down Akihito's arms "No ---- don't not--- there ----- it's -----dirty" Asami kissed Akihito on his cheek then licked down his neck "I'll clean them for you" Akihito wriggled around feeling so hot and frustrated cock hard and standing up. Asami finally decided to show mercy as he wrapped his hand around Akihito's cock his hand and fingers being covered with pre-cum. Akihito moaned getting some attention to his body but almost whimpered when Asami pulled away making his way down lower to Akihito's entrance making him struggle but Asami held him down softly against the bed and gave him support and love with his eyes. "Shh it's okay" Akihito relaxed slightly, trusting Asami. Asami slipped a finger into Akihito seeing his face scrunch up slightly. Asami moved his finger in and out then slipped 2 more fingers into Akihito stopping as Akihito's hands gripped into fists his throat vibrating as he groaned. "Are you okay?" Asami whispered in Akihito's mind Akihito nodded. Asami scissored in and out of him preparing him as much as he could then curled his finger up inside him making Akihito cry out loudly his head thrown back mouth open in a cry. Asami smirked "Found it" he thought to himself. Asami rubbed his spot again and again making Akihito lift his hips slightly crying out and struggling tears already flowing down his cheeks "Asami!" he cried out but Asami pulled his fingers out then positioned himself and started to slid in bigger than three fingers. Akihito groaned as Asami entered him definitely bigger that his three fingers but Asami slid in fully and stopped waiting for him to get accustomed to him. After a few moments Akihito wrapped his legs around Asami's waist embarrassingly so and whispered softly in mind "move" Asami slid in slowly at first then angled hips up making Akihito scream yanking at the bonds holding his wrists rather forcefully. "ASAMI!" Asami smirked and thrusted faster and harder into Akihito seeing him become undone writhing and moaning underneath him. "Asa-- Asami -----und---o ----these-- restr---aints--- want --- to tou---ch you" Akihito gasped out and Asami yanked the tie off of Akihito's wrists his arms snapping around Asami's neck pulling him down into a hot breath filled kiss. Asami kissed back slipping his tongue inside and thrusting harder into him. Akihito gasped and panted against Asami's mouth trying not to dig his nails into Asami's back. Akihito felt something coiling inside his lower stomach the pleasure building up as Asami attacked and wrecked his body till he was broken down fully "ASAMI!" he screamed as he came against Asami's stomach. A few moments later Asami came inside him grunting as he did so gripping Akihito's body tightly. Akihito felt Asami cum into him a burning hotness filling him and ran up and down his back making him shiver. Asami fell off of Akihito landing on his side facing Akihito and watched as Akihito laid there panting eyes closed "I love you Takaba Akihito every part of you" Asami grabbed Akihito's wrists and kissed his scars. Akihito blushed and looked down at the comforter as he laid on his side facing Asami "I love you too Asami Ryuchi even if your an evil drug lord"

 Akihito blushed and looked down at the comforter as he laid on his side facing Asami "I love you too Asami Ryuchi even if your an evil drug lord"

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