Chapter Five

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When we land I look around and see that we have landed in different era. I stand up and pull Colton up. He looks around and recognition lights his face.

"We're in Ancient Egypt," Colton says, looking happy and bright to have a chance to study ancient Egypt. "The watches must have been set differently then everyone else's."

We both look at watches and see that they were set to travel to the ancient Egypt after the Triassic period. I look around and see that everyone is wearing that the women are all wearing plain white sheath dresses made of rough materials and the men are wearing kilts also made of rough materials.

When I look at Colton I see that he is dressed in a kilt similar to what the other men are wearing but I also notice that his kilt is made of finer material and that it is almost see through. I quickly look to see what I am wearing and see that it is similar to what the other women around me are wearing but mine is also made of a finer material and is also almost see through. I also notice that I am wearing a lot jewellery. Colton grabs my hand and pulls me in to a small alley between two houses. I take a better look at his clothes and realize that what we are wearing would have been worn by family of the Pharaoh.

"We have to get the palace," Colton says, looking around trying to find a sign of how to get to where we need to be.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into another small alley between two houses. I look around and see that the houses are made of bricks made from mud and straw. I instantly realise that we are in the area where the slaves live. Colton gives me a gentle tug and I trip over my leather sandals as I try to keep up with him. As we make our way between the houses toward the palace, I look around and see that the people are all wearing clothes made of flax that were of a poorer quality than that which Colton and I are wearing. I also notice that their jewellery is made of coloured pottery beads while the jewellery I am wearing is made of fine gold and precious stones. We wonder around for about an hour trying to find the palace. When we get to the palace a women comes out looking harassed and upset.

"Princess, where have you been?" the women asks, when sees me coming up the stairs of the palace. "Your father is looking for you."

"I'm sorry, Atet," I say, feeling slightly shocked when the name comes to me. "I went into the city and got lost."

"You must hurry," Atet says, looking slightly upset. "Your father is not happy and has been looking for you for some time now."

I give her a small nod and move past her and head inside the palace. When I get inside I pull up short by the opulence of the palace. It is finely designed with columns at certain points throughout the halls.

I make to set off for the throne room when Atet grabs my arm and stops me. "You aren't dressed appropriately to see your father," she tells me. She pulls me down a series of halls before she reaches a sleeping room. When we walk inside I look around and see a small reed mat placed on a wooden frame with a headrest wrapped in cloth in one corner of the room, under the bed there is a small chest, which Atet quickly moves over to where a chest is located and pulls out a headdress from the chest, she also pulls out a necklace and a choker. She puts them on me quickly before pushing me out the room.

I carefully make my way through the palace to the throne room where I know my father will be located. The whole time I am looking around in amazement at how grandly the palace is designed and decorated. The floors are covered in tiles, the ceilings are high and there are lavish paintings on the walls. When I look out one window I see a private garden. I look out another window and see a courtyard with palm trees all around to provide shade and out another one I see a pool with lotus blossoms all around and some small fish swimming in the pool. I look through the door of one room and see a room for worship. A couple of doors down I see an elegant wash room and just a few more doors down I find the servant quarters.

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