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" W-What? " I stuttered.

" What did you talk about with Hoseok hyung? " He asked, still close to me.

" Um... about your condition?.... " I replied.

" Liar. " He retorted and took a step, even closer to me.

" Then why are you guys smiling alot? " He added.

By any chance... is he... Jealous??????
Ayee... Don't think so but....but... why does he look so furious when he asked me that question. So i decided to see if he really is jealous.

" He asked me out on a date... " I lied.

" HE WHAT?!!! " Anger was filled in him and i was really really sure he was jealous.

" Relax. It's just a date. " I teased him.

" Just a date my ass. " He hissed.

" Why are you even angry?? What i do doesn't concern you right? " I asked carefully.

He just looked down to the ground and smiled sadly.

" That's right... it doesn't concern me so why am i even like this. " He chuckled.

I looked at him puzzled. Jimin is really acting weird. Maybe i should leave him alone?... I then took a step away and tried to walk out from the room secretly, without him noticing.

He grabbed my wrist and push me towards him. I widened my eyes in shock.

" W-wha-t " I stuttered.

" Don't go. " He said softly.

" H-uh? " I asked.

" Don't go to the date with Hoseok.... " He looked at me sadly.

What's this. Is he really jealous??

" AH HAH! SO YOU WERE JEALOUS !! " I snapped.

He looked at me confused.

" I was just joking. There's no way Hoseok will ask me out for a date. " I added.

" So.. it wasn't real??? Heol. Yeah Hoseok wouldn't like girls like you either " He sassed.

" But you would. " I said which got him off guard.

His cheeks was as red as a tomato.

" Just kidding! " I poked his right cheek and ran out of his room.

I stood behind his room and smiled.

" Cute. " You giggled.

Jimin's POV

She poked my cheek and ran away. I touched the cheek that she poked and smiled.

" Cute " I giggled.

I was really glad that she lied about Hoseok asking her out. I was getting super jealous. I hope she didn't notice it.

After awhile, Y/N went back into my room with bunch of stuffs on her hands.

" What's that? " I pointed at her.

" Ah this? Just a little experiment i wanted to do with you " She smiled as she sat on the edge of my bed.

She held an bottle filled with papers and i just looked at her blankly.

" This bottle contains a lot of interesting question. So i thought we can do this and be more open towards each other you know? " She said brightly.

" And we can eat snacks too! " She added while munching down some pringles.

" Sure. Let's do that. " I chuckled.

We played rock paper scissors to see who would go first and it was me. I picked a random paper and read it.

" Most memorable memory.. " I sighed.

" Well probably stealing Hoseok's underwear when i was little because it looked way more cooler with all those power rangers printed images and how he will always scold me but i didn't mind it " I said as Y/N burst into laughter.

" Yah! No laughing! Tsk. It's your turn. " I pouted.

She picked a paper while still laughin her ass off. Once she reads it, her laugh fades almost immediately. She looked hurt?....

" What does it say?..." I asked carefully.

She didn't reply. I guess it was something really personally and i didn't want to force her.

" Traumatising experience... " She said with tears in her eyes.

" You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable you know? " I said.

" Ani. It wouldn't be fair isn't it? " She forcefully smiled at me.

" My d-dad... would beat me up because he was either stressed at work or came home drunk. I was always often getting beaten up by him. I saved my mother from him but she ran away.. leaving me alone. My dad... would beat the living shit out of me and i would have big scars all over my over and was so afraid to go to school because people would judge me. " She said before a tear came out from her left eye.

" Don't c-cry.. " I said while i use my thumb to wipe her tear away.

She just smiled at me. It was really painful to see her faking a smile like that.

" Okay! Your turn! " She said in the most brightest tone, hiding her pain.

" You can give a question to the other party to answer " I looked at her and she whined.

" No fair! I wanted that!! " She pouted.

I chuckled.

" So? What are you going to ask me? " She said, still pouting.

I thought about it for a moment.

" Who's that in your wallpaper? " I asked.

She looked at me shocked but then her eyes softened.

" That's Jungkook. My used-to-be boyfriend... He... passed away.. " She said trying hard not to cry.

I didn't know what to do. Should i hug her? What should i do? What should i do?

" He used to protect me from my dad ever since my mom abandoned me. But... he didn't tell me he had a chronic cancer and was still protecting me eventhough he himself was injured. Before i knew it, he already passed away... " She bit her lips, trying not to burst infront of me.

I quickly pulled her into my embraced and hugged her tightly. I don't want her to hide her feelings. I don't want to see her sad anymore.

" Don't hold back. Just cry all you want. " I said as i hear her sob violently as she hugged me back tightly as well.

" I'm here for you. "


I guess it was a bit emotional? Hais. So what do you guys think about this chapter? Did you guys cry? I hope not. mwheheh. Anyways! Have a great day yeah!! Saranghaeyo 💖

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