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"Shit" Yoongi mumbled to himself as he began to roll over. It took him a moment to realise there was someone next to him. He didn't bother opening his eyes due to the rays of light coming in through the window nor did he want to see what girl he had slept with. Instead of opening his eyes he scooted closer wrapping an arm around the body next to him. No noise could be heard for a good 10 minutes after doing so and everything was at peace. "Er- Hyung.." a voice broke out and dear god it was not a girls. Yoongi's eyes shot open despite the waking pain he was staring into the face of Park Jimin . Yoongi instantly shoved himself backward violently off the bed and onto the old carpeted floor with a harsh thud. Jimin instantly peered over the edge of the bed with a concerned expression across his face. He opened his mouth to shout at his dongsaeng but nothing came out. He couldn't bring himself to yell at Jimin just for laying next to him half naked. It's not like anything happened right? After a few intense seconds of laying awkwardly on the ground with Jimin staring in the most dazed concerned expression Yoongi let out a low sigh. "Sorry.." he finally muttered pushing himself so that he was sitting up right. Jimin didn't respond. In fact his expression began to grow embarrassed and he began to fidget. "What?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he began to get up. "Er-- it's just.. you don't remember anything?" Yoongi's expression grew slightly grim for the most part worried. "No- did I... Did we..?" Jimin's face grew bright red and he shook his head violently. "I- uhh-" He began but stopped mid way after hearing the door to the dorm close. "Uhh-" He exclaimed before shoving himself off the bed and out the door of the bedroom. Yoongi's face fell pale and he almost instantly tripped as he stumbled to follow Jimin who seemed to already have disappeared after the front door had slammed shut. "What the fuck-!?" Yoongi stood at the entrance to the kitchen and rubbed a hand over his face. "What the fuck did I do..?"

'What in gods name could I have possibly done!?' Yoongi thought to himself as he finished picking up the last empty bag of chips carelessly thrown on the floor. Everyone that had passed out in the dorm had slowly left leaving the room a mess and Yoongi's roommate Taehyung still hadn't woken from his hungover coma on the couch, snoring like an absolute slob. The dorm looked at least decent after he had picked it and with that Yoongi sat down at the kitchen table burying his face in his hands and squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to remember if

1. He had done something horrible to Jimin

or if

2. He had done something that made Jimin happy?

whether it was good or bad Yoongi needed to remember. It would bother him if he couldn't. He had to find out especially with how his dongsaeng acted out and ran away as if something truly awful had happened. "Ohh does hyung have something on is mind?" Yoongi jumped at the sudden voice of Taehyung behind him. "Ahh- Tae-" he rubbed his face and turned to Taehyung who was far to close for his own comfort. "You look pretty worried hyung. Something happen?" Yoongi shook his head but paused. "Tae..?" Taehyung tilted his head as if to say 'what' and smiled. "What.. do you remember from last night?" Taehyung put a hand to his chin before leaning against the table. "Mm well you remember why we went out?"
Yoongi nodded. "It was to celebrate the start of Namjoon, Hoseok, and my last year at the college." Taehyung nodded before continuing. "We all got together at around 5 before we walked down to the bar a few blocks from the school." "That's all?" Yoongi inquired. Tae shook his head "After we had hit 3 or 4 of the bars on that block we went to a club and 30 minutes in you disappeared into the bathroom. When you didn't come back after 15 minutes Jimin went and looked for you and I didn't see you or him at all till this morning when Jimin bolted out the door. " Yoongi rubbed his forehead trying to remember but it remained a blur. "When did we disappear?" He glanced back up at Tae who closed his eyes in an attempt to think. "Ah that was probably around 12 am?" Yoongi got quiet and Taehyung glanced at him a bit worried. "Yoongi is something going o-" "I- uhm im gonna go buy some- stuff-" Yoongi interrupted as he shuffled toward the door and began pulling on his jacket. Taehyung tilted his head furrowing his eyebrows a little. "Ah- uhh okay hyung.. remember that we all were going to meet up at the coffee shop in 2 hours.. call in advance if you don't plan on showing.." Taehyung's voice died out though he continued to watch Yoongi carefully. "Hyung are you sure nothing happened?" Yoongi shook his head and opened the door, waved bye and left.

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