Chapter 1

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*Gabriel's PoV*

I whined as I felt my blanket being pulled off of me. I grabbed at the air to try and get it back without opening my eyes but when I realised my efforts were futile, I gave up. I opened my eyes and glared at both of my fathers. One of them (Lucifer) leaning against my door frame with a smirk on his face and the other one (Michael) was putting my blanket somewhere i couldn't reach. How dare they use my height to their advantage?

"Give it back" I whined.

"Nope. Gabe you have to get up. You have school" Michael said as he went over and opened my blinds. He said it like it was the most casual word in the world when in reality, students my age, younger and older would shudder when hearing that one word. 

I hissed as the sun shone onto me and curled up into myself to hid my eyes from the sun. When I realised that wasn't working, I grabbed my pillow and whimpered softly as i put it over my head. I heard Lucifer laugh from the doorway and lifted my pillow up the tiniest bit so that he would see me sticking my tongue out at him. Lucifer smiled slightly before turning to his husband.

"C'mon Mikey. Let the boy sleep. It's not like he has to go to school" he said as he stayed where he was in the doorway. He had an easy escape if this turned deadly, which it usually did on a Monday morning. 

"Yes he does Luce. If he doesn't go to school then he can't get an education which means he'll be stuck living with us because he can't get a proper job." Michael countered.

 I groaned and pulled the pillow tighter over my head. What is the point in school? It messes with the sleep system and you have to eat when they want you to eat. What is the point in that? We have to get up early just to be bossed around for five hours and a half hours before coming home and having to do homework. Not like i do the homework anyway.

"You realise he doesn't even learn anything?" Samandriel asked he walked past my room on his phone. He's such a tech nerd and sometimes it's annoying but other times it's the most helpful thing in the world.

"He has a point there" I grumbled from under my pillow. Believe it or not, it's actuallt really comfy under this thing. 

"Gabe if you don't get up I'll take all your rainbow glitter and throw it away" Michael threatened.

"You wouldn't" I said cautiously as I peeked out from under my pillow. 

He went over and took all my different types of glitter from the box under my bed. He started to leave the room and I let out a very manly screech as I realised his threats were true. I lunged after him but didn't make it completely and landed on the floor, my hand grabbing hold of his ankle, almost causing him to fall over. Lucifer was laughing the whole time, grabbing onto the door frame for support. Samandriel had given up trying to find something in his room and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

I groaned as I realised that they'd managed to get me out of bed which was probably Michael's plan the whole time. I got up and took the glitter back before shoving both of my parents out of the room before stashing it in a more hidden place that hopefully no one would find.

I sighed as i looked at the time, noticing that if i didn't start getting changed now then Samandriel and I would be late for school, resulting in detentions, Samandriel not talking to me and me getting a lecture from Michael when we got home.

Looks like it's time to start getting ready for hell.

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