-Chapter 5.-

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Okay I have to be dreaming...wait..I'VE SEEN HER BEFORE! But...where?

Ryan and I spent the whole afternoon just talking about stupid stuff and learning more about each other. In the time we spent together I learned that Ryan came from a broken family his mother and father fought a lot which cause his brother Edward to leave and become successful in life. Ryan's parents always pushed Ryan to be better to be like his brother, they pushed him into doing sports, getting good grades, Hell they even chose who he could hang out with. Ryan told me that when he started seeing him he told his mother and she sent him to a week of therapy. I felt bad for him but my life was just as bad as his. My father cheated on my mother and when he went out in his "business trips" he was actually going to see his other family in another state. When my mother found out about this she was furious and kicked him out of the house. She spent her days trapped in a room depressed, she felt lied to and betrayed i mean i would understand the man that you dedicated your life to suddenly tells you he has another life with someone else.

I looked across at the setting sun. "you think they've noticed if I was gone?" Ryan's eyes landed on the side of my face. "your mom seems like a very frantic person..she would've called the cops by now. I laughed he was right, then soon my expression changed. "I feel like I did something wrong, thats why they're ignoring me." Ryan sighed and put his arm around me. "Sometimes families are stupid." I leaned my head on his shoulder"yeah..sometimes." we both sat in silence as we watched the sun go down.


"If my family is ignoring me, then i'm sure they will ignore you too." "I still don't know.." I frowned "would ya stop being a baby? come on!" I grabbed his arm and led him to my house. We reached the front door and I opened it walking in. "Aly is that you?" My mother called out. "No mom its Clara!" There was no response. "see i told ya" He frowned and walked into the kitchen. He sat on the counter. "so Ms.Williams" He said taking an apple and eating it. My mother didn't answer instead she continued looking at the papers she had in front of her. I wanted to cry, "Mom why don't you answer me? I'm your daughter!!" still no response. Ryan sighed and took my hand. "come on let's go back to you room" I nodded and walked up to my room, plopping onto my bed. Ryan plopped next to me and looked around at my posters. "NO WAY!"

"What?" i asked him confused, He stood up and touched my Of Mice & Men poster.

"you listen to them???" Ryan asked excitedly.

"Yeah?" He jumped on my bed


"You never asked!" He squinted his eyes at me.


I smiled at him and grabbed my iPod



We laid down and took a headphone each,letting the music flow through our ears. Let Live blasted through my headphones, I tapped my foot on my bed and Ryan started joining in. He unplugged my headphones and let it play out loud. We both stood up and started singing along jamming out. Head banging and dancing around. Ryan and I whispered scream since we were so inexperienced with with the whole 'screaming' technique. Once the song was over Hit and Run by Breathe Carolina started playing. I laugh as I sang to Ryan.

"No red lights down the ride all night woah tell me that you're ready cause I don't wanna hit and run!"

I danced around and Ryan just sat there laughing at my terrible dance moves.

"This ain't drive by no! Don't want no hit and run! Tell me that you're ready cause i don't want no hit and run!"

Ryan was literally on his side from laughing so hard. I stood on my dresser and talked into my "microphone" when in reality it was a hairbrush.


Ryan clapped "ENCORE! ENCORE!"

I laughed and jumped off my dresser. I jumped onto my bed and laid next to Ryan.

I stared into his piercing blue eyes they were absolutely stunning. His soft shiny hair was swept to the side, his lips were pink and full. His tanned skin made the blue in his eyes pop out even more. Ryan was absolutely...HOT

"hello! earth to Clara!" I snapped out of my mesmerized stage and answered him. "yeah?" He chuckled and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I asked what did you want to do and you just blanked out on me!" he pouted.

Oh god..you're adorable. I thought to myself.

"Sorry, I'm just..." I trailed off

"out of it?" Ryan finished for me.

"yeah! that" He chuckled "you're so cute" I blushed. "especially when you blush..." he said leaning close to my face. I could feel my cheeks get warmer and his breath gently touched my lips. He smiled his perfect smile and stood back. I sat there shocked, "wh-.." He laughed at me. "stop thats not funny!" I yelled at him covering my face with my pillow. He laughed harder, "you were blushing so bad!" "RYAN SHUT UP!" I screamed at him standing up and throwing the pillow at him. "It's adorable when you're angry" He said to me. "SHUT UP!!" i hit him with the pillow repeatedly until he grabbed the pillow we were both pulling on it when he let go and i fell backwards onto my bed. He laughed at me and then tripped on something. I laughed at him and he fell forward on top of me. We laid there staring at each other,his blue eyes staring into my plain brown ones. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, I was worried he could hear it. He broke our stare when he looked at my lips, I looked at his and bit onto mine. "don't do that" He whispered. "why?" i whisper back, "its sexy..I'm trying not to kiss you" "if you're trying not to kiss me.." I leaned up into his ear and whispered "then why are you so close to me?" I leaned back smirking.


He looked at me I could feel his breath quickening. I bit my lip again unintentionally, i could see him trying so hard to fight me. He finally gave in and leaned in close, he soft lips touching mine and slowly they moved together. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. His thumb caressed my rib cage as he held on to me. I wanted more of him, i've never had so much feeling for a person before. We pulled away for air. I stare into his eyes again, "Clara?" he asked breathlessly. "Yes?" i responded. He stared at me, "that..was amazing." he said, I felt my cheeks get warm. "Ryan...we are insane" He chuckled, he knew what I meant. He leaned forward and pushed a piece of hair from my forehead "we just met, i told you my life story and you told me yours...and now we are in your bedroom kissing, without you even being my girlfriend." I giggle at that. "yup psychos!!" He laughed with me and then his faced changed into a expression i didn't recognize on him. "Clara." he said seriously. "will you be my psycho girlfriend? we would make the craziest couple ever!" I laughed at him calming down a bit. "yes i shall be your psycho girlfriend..on one condition!" I smile at him.


"You have to be my psycho boyfriend"


"Then yes Ryan i'll be your psycho Girlfriend"

He smiled wide and kissed me. I kissed him back enjoying the moment. I pulled back and smiled at him. He smiled back and laid down next to me reaching for my hand. Intwining my fingers with his we both fell asleep with headphones plugged in our ears listening to Three Days Grace.

Man was I crazy...in fact..I must be really crazy! First I was seeing things, now The guy i met only 2 days ago was now my boyfriend. I was truly insane but if this was going to be my life then let it be! I'm ready!....well at least I think I am..

~*Mini Note*~

How ya doin? Was that good enough? probably..once I finish this book I'll re write it and make it better..so sorry about the grammar and punctuation mistakes im really lazy and type fast. Hope you enjoyed!

Much love and doubtfulness,


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