Chapter Thirty-Four

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Bravepaw woke with curiosity. After so many sunrises of living above the sky, watching his sister, he was glad that he could be on the ground, feeling grass beneath his paws. Bravepaw was also very pleased of the scents, sights, and life that he could now see from a normal height.

When Bravepaw stood up, he frowned. Though the sun shined bright and the colours around him seem to sparkle, there was still the sight of the bodies on the other side of the island and the scent of blood and herbs near the medicine cats who both seemed like they needed sleep.

Bravepaw sighed, but looked around for his father and sister. Rainfur was lying near Evectri with his eyes open. It was apparent that his father didn't want to wake up. The pale grey tom soon moved his jade gaze around to face Demonfang who still sat by an unconscious Duskpelt.

Bravepaw padded over to his sister, quietly approaching as he noticed his sister's narrowed eyes. Finally, after a few moments, he said, "Demonfang, are you alright? He'll live, won't he?" Demonfang nodded bleakly.

"I barely slept last night," the grey and white she-cat murmured. "I was too worried about him and everyone else..." Bravepaw smiled to her warmly.

"Everyone is okay," Bravepaw reassured his sister.

"No they aren't," Demonfang growled. "Darkpaw and Redpaw have lost their sister, Swiftheart seems to think he failed at protecting Cloudstreak, Mudroot and the other medicine cats are exhausted, Rainfur and Evectri lost their brothers, and so many have died..."

"True, but won't we come back from it just like the other war?" he asked. "Cats have died, sure, but it won't be enough to keep so many of us depressed. Just look at the Volans—they still help us, and they have lost more than we have." Demonfang sighed, refusing to speak.

A Volan landed in front of them, two squirrels hanging from his mouth. The flying cat dropped the squirrels at their feet, dipping his head with respect as if Bravepaw and his sister were royalty. I guess to these Volans we are, Bravepaw considered. After all, we helped defeat Negro, and we're the offspring of Rain, one of the most powerful cats they've seen.

"King Evectri and Rain wish to see you at an important meeting, Bravepaw," the Volan explained. "It will take place under the Great Oak tree in just a few moments." The Volan then looked to Demonfang. "Rain has ordered me to tell you this: though highly ranked, you are needed to aid Duskpelt and others should they need help." He paused, glancing at Demonfang's solemn state. "This is no weakness, my lady—such strength and caring is needed at such a time." The Volan gave another dip of his head before turning around, just about to fly off into the air.

"Wait!" Bravepaw called after him. The Volan looked around. "What is your name?" Bravepaw had no real reason to ask, though he was interested as to who the tom was. After all, he didn't need to add that last part. The Volan smiled when he registered the question.

"Tanzen, sir," the Volan replied. He then took off into the air.

Bravepaw smiled. He glanced over at his sister, his eyes filled with worry. At first he wasn't going to say anything, but eventually he said, "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Demonfang looked the other way.

"I'm needed elsewhere," she growled bitterly. Bravepaw frowned, his head dropping as he realized his sister was going to think that everyone believed him more important. Feeling guilty, the poor blue-grey tom allowed his tail to droop behind him as he walked toward the Great Oak.

I didn't mean to upset her...Why did they want me and not her anyway? I'm still an apprentice, and I don't fight well at all. Oh, and StarClan knows I'm not the wisest of them all...I mean, I guess I've learned some of StarClan's secrets, but would that really matter? Bravepaw shook his head, choosing not to think of it.

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