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If you don't take care of details, they'll ruin everything.

My eyes closed. I liked listening to Sully's mind. It was full of hatred, but a lot of it was for himself, for how he couldn't have been stronger against me. It made me chuckle, how he formed desperate plans one after the other to try and escape from the Bond. But every time it was close to completion, I blew them to dust, destroying his dreams and remaining hopes. His pain was so sweet, it made me smile.

The truck ride was chaotic, the gravel road full of bumps and potholes shaking us left and right. I enjoyed it, how the calm was always brutally shaken away from my mind. I breathed in the country air, taking in the smells of decaying leaves and mud. It started to rain, adding to the mix. It was enjoyable, so much I could almost let my mind drift. But if I did, Sully and the others had a chance to escape, and this was not a mistake I could afford to make.

How wrong I was is beyond me.

In the background of all the noise, I could hear something flapping in the wind. It was off, but not enough to alarm me. Maybe it came from the truck behind ours, or maybe it came from our own. There's always so many problems with vehicles this big. It was just a detail, so I stopped caring about it.

I made a terrible mistake then.

Something hit the ground with shocking force, the sound of it deafening enough to make my ears pop. All I could hear was this constant ringing and my vision blurred. Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion. The truck swerving into the ditch, everything going to the left, my head hitting the window right before it downright shattered.

I tried to blink away the blood trickling into my eyes, my forehead beating with fresh pain. I shakily and hastily wiped off the warm liquid from my brow, feeling the cut burn as my hand passed over it. I unbuckled and looked to my left, noticing the pathetic soldier's lamentable state. He was gasping for breath, large shards of the windshield piercing through his chest as his blood slowly pooled to his side. He reached towards me, his eyes pleading for help as his lips mouthed silent prayers to his powerless god.

With one swift movement, I slit his throat with glass. He quickly bled out, reacting like a fish out of water that slowly chokes on air. I went through his pockets, taking away anything of value. A watch, a picture of his wife and kids. Seriously useless junk filled his coat. On his belt was fastened a swiss army knife and some handgun ammo, both rather useful things compared to what I found before. I took everything and got out of the truck through the window, its remains like jagged teeth trying to bite me.

I looked around myself, emerging from the broken vehicle with pain. All the other trucks had been pretty much blown to smithereens along with their occupants. But as I took in all the damage only one thing came to mind. Sully.

I limped to the back of the truck, trying to find my little toy. I could feel his mind feverish with excitement, and taste his sickening hopes of freedom. He was crawling out of the wreck, ready to run.

Not today.

He must have felt my presence since he turned to look at me in horror and shock. His eyes were wide and round like saucers, so much in fact that I thought they'd pop right out. It was a nice thought. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and dragged him out of the broken truck, noticing in the process that a rather large amount of the oh so valiant soldiers were piled up on each other, like blood-filled sacks of dead meat. Pathetic to say the least.

The noise I had heard inside the vehicle was louder now. In a deafening roar of rotating blades, we were surrounded by helicopters. The sound was too loud to talk over, Commanding wouldn't work. Bright lights were shining on me, singling me out of the gruesome scene they had caused themselves. I couldn't see well, but something told me machine guns were pointed towards me. No choice but to run, but where to? I was cornered. It was hopeless.


Oh what the hell.


I took in a deep breath.


You asked for it, you filthy pigs.

I put my hands up, just as they asked. Fingers to the sky. I closed my eyes, feeling them tingling with energy. I fucking hope you work. 

It was done in an instant, a second, a word.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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