(5) "Third Party"

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Norrie's P.O.V

 I've lost track of time. I don't even know how long I've been sitting against the door on a fetal position. "What's happening to you?" I asked myself. Maybe it's the meds I'm taking these past few days that are causing the unstable moods I've been having.

 Brad knocked at the door a couple of time but I'm too pissed off to talk to him right now. I don't care if it's part of the 'publicity stunt' their management is trying to pull off, he should have told me about it. Oh Shit here you are again Norrie.

 A few minutes have passed, someone knocked again. "Who's that?" I asked. I heard a sigh and then a name. It's Tristan.

 "Can we talk .. at least let me explain what you saw?" he asked.

 I stood up and then opened the door. I saw him smiling at me. "Let's talk" I said and then he came inside. I let him in .. unaware that Brad is looking at us from the corner.

 "So .. now talk" I uttered as soon as he sat on the chair.

 "The girl you saw .. she's Lucy Humphreys"

 "I'm aware" I said sarcastically

 "She's just playing to be Brad's girlfriend. It's this crazy idea that our boss planned. Brad's innocent , he's not into it but he has no choice. Give him another chance" he pleaded.

 "Are you sure it's just a play? not something real?"

 "I'm sure" he replied. I let  out a huge sigh and then he asked me what's really going on. "I don't know. To be honest, I think I've been overreacting. I'm in a roller coaster of emotions" I explained as I sat on the bed , hiding my face with my hands.

 "Roller Coaster of emotions?" Tristan asked.

 "Yeah. You heard me right?"

 "Of course I did" he then said. A few moments later, he asked something that made me extremely uncomfortable.

 "Norrie ... are you pregnant?" he asked.

 That got me thinking, when was the last time Brad and I had sex? Oh that's right, NEVER. We both decided to wait for as long as we can, just for the sake of it being 'special' once we actually do it. And so far, I think we're doing great .. 10 months and still counting.

 "No I'm not" I assured him and then he let out a half smile.

 "What should I do Tristan?"

 "I think you should talk to him"

 "And apologize ...?"

 "Yep" he then said and got up. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

 "Out .. you don't need me around" he replied and then walked towards me and then gave me a hug. "I'll call him in. He's dying to talk to you" he uttered and then smiled.

 I smiled back. I feel a lot better now. "You are one crazy bitch" I thought to myself. As soon as Tristan walked out of the room, I started practicing my apology speech to Brad.


Tristan's P.O.V

 Today's not my day. It's obvious she wants Brad around, and I will not do anything to get in her way right now.

 As soon as I got out of Norrie's room, I noticed Brad standing on the corner. "Did you two have fun?" he asked.

 "It's not what you think. She's looking for you"

 "Is that so? Then why didn't she opened the door when I knocked?" he asked, annoyed.

 "I talked her out of it. Now go there .. I mean it, fix what you have while you still can" I uttered as I walk past him/ I looked back again and saw him walking towards the room.

 A few minutes later, I was on my way to the studio after receiving a call from Ms. Lynne. Tonight is our first show and we'll have one last rehearsal,


Cerys's (Lucy) P.O.V

 "Did you do it as I planned?" Dad asked through the phone. "Yes Daddy" I replied, smiling. Brad's too easy, but also too considerate for his band mates. I Kinda like him, for real. And damn, I almost forgot he has a very amazing ... and I must say yummy body.

 Why did I had sex with him on our first date actually? Oh yes, we're supposed to release it a few months from now.

 "We'll spread it out once they hit their first top 10" Dad uttered.

 "And then we'll both become more famous?"

 "Of course honey"

 "I can't wait" I said, smiling and excited at the same time.


Brad's P.O.V

 I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. "Norrie?" I called out and it opened quickly. "Come in" she said, smiling.

 "Let me explain" I uttered before I was cut off by her. "You don't need to explain Brad. I totally understand now" she said and then gave me a hug. "Weird" I thought to myself but what the heck, just get along with it.

 "I'm sorry, I overreacted again" she said.

 "It's okay love. I actually have to tell you something" I said nervously. Cerys and I just had sex ... I cheated on Norrie. She deserves to know the truth , but how can I say it if I know it's gonna crush her? 

 "What is it?" she asked. My heart is beating fast, a part of me says that it's better to come clean now than have someone else breaks it to her. But there's also a part of me that want to keep it a secret just so she won't get hurt.

 I took a deep breath and said "You'll be the first one to know about the publicity stunts the management is trying to pull of. No more surprises , you'll know everything. And don't worry, I won't be tempted to take it any further. I'm your boyfriend .. and that's all that matters to me".

 "Really huh" she then said, smiling.

 "You don't believe me?" I asked, pulling her closer and planted a kiss on her lips. "I do" she managed to say as she started kissing me back.

 Suddenly, someone started knocking at the door. "Brad??" It's James calling out for his name. "Pull out of Norrie for a second.  We have rehearsals" he uttered.

 I looked at Norrie and she's blushing.

 "Okay!!" I said and then I heard footsteps running away. "Let's do this?" I asked her and then she nodded.

 She held my hand tightly as we walked outside the door.  


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