Chapter 1 - Leona

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Leona's POV

Nerd. Freak. Loser. Just some of the words that people refer to me as. It's nobody's fault I have a high IQ level. Higher than the rest of this school. I moved here about a year ago from England and I've been picked on for this since fifth grade.

Everyone bullies me. Popular people, well, people in general, really. Even some of the teachers have it in for me. Yes, teachers.


I got my papers in the correct order, slid a paper clip onto the corner and walked up to the front of the class. Today I was doing a presentation against animal testing for Science class. I began speaking.

"Hello everyone, I'm doing a presentation against animal testing-" Miss Venner, my Science teacher, cut me short.

"Well we all know what animal they test your shampoo on, Leona. Foxes!"she taunted me.

Everyone laughed so hard they cried. I started to cry too. Obviously we were crying for different reasons. Upset, I ran out of the room without permission and to the girl's bathroom. I cried myself sick and got sent home early. I didn't come to school for the rest of the week.

Every bit of that story is true... my nickname to this day is Foxface. How is it my fault I'm naturally ginger? How is it my fault I have freckles, earning me the second nickname Spotty? In classes of the teachers that dislike me, I sit alone and work by myself. Life is hard. Especially without friends.

Yes, no friends. Nearly everyone has at least one friend to look out for them. Except me. It's pointless for me to even attempt making acquaintances with people, yet alone friends. I gave up trying a long time ago. They're all fed lies by Ashley.

Ashley DeSorrento. How I despised her and everything she'd ever done to me. She bullies me more than anyone, but everyone here practically worshipped her. She makes my life misery.

The bell for lunch rang throughout the school, telling me it's lunchtime. I do what I always do when leaving a lesson; wait until everyone leaves, then proceed to leave myself. Out the door and-


Ashley shoved me over and I landed on a bin, knocking it over in the process. It's contents spilled onto the floor.

"Hey, Foxface! What are you doing, scavenging for lunch?!" Noel, Ashley's main puppet, taunted me.

I tried to get up, but I just fell over again. Everyone laughed at me as my glasses flew off my face and landed about twenty centimetres out of my reach. Noel kicks them over to Ashley. One of the lenses crack when she does this. Ashley nudges the spectacles with her foot.

"What a shame... they would be cool glasses, if you didn't need them to see." With that Ashley stamps of them and they break clean in half. She cackles like a witch and struts down the hall to lunch.

For a while I just lie on the cold linoleum floor. My stomach grumbles. I need to eat sometime today, so I go to my locker. This is where I eat, I'm not welcome in the lunch hall.

Every table is categorized by Ashley herself. A table for the popular girls, one for the jocks, one for couples, two for perfectly normal people, two for nerds, one for kids with nut allergies (assigned by teachers) and a rebel table.

Rebels are scary. They sell each other fake ID cards to buy drinks, they have pierced and tattooed bodies, spray paint walls, a few carry knives, some of them even smoke. They're very scary, that's for sure.

Some kids are so desperate to fit in, they sit on the splintery wooden floor. Once I tried that too, but I got a splinter that impaled itself in my thumb really deep. I just eat lunch inside my locker.

After finishing my food, I take out my sketchpad and draw a little. Truth be told, I love drawing, especially anime characters. I go through page after page of characters from Pokémon, Fairy Tail and Fruit Basket until I reach an empty page.

By the time lunch is almost over, I've finished a full picture of a girl with a shady man behind her. She has a scared expression plastered on her face. Since there are several minutes until the final class of the day begins. I decide to go early, so that less people will see me.

The lesson seems to go on fast-forward. School ended when the bell rang, and I ran out of the class, got my homework out of my locker and rode my bike home. My brother isn't currently at home, so I go to the study, race through my homework and check it twice for mistakes and start up my computer.

After it loads I enter my password and open up the internet. YouTube comes straight up as it's my most visited page. My account stayed logged in from last time. My username is CookieProGaming. I probably never mentioned I'm a gamer. My channel involves mainly The Sims 3, Pokémon and a few other games I just so happen to like. YouTube. The one place people accept me for who I am.

I fired up The Sims 3 and got onto RaidCall, my recording software.Then I went into my files and found my intro. It's basically raining cookies and plays some dubstep music. Everything finishes loading and I record about 25 minutes of gameplay. I end the video with my signature sign off. "That's all for today everyone, smack that like button, subscribe to The Bakery and become a Cookie! Bye guys!"

I stop the recording and wait for it to upload. My brother, Scott, walks into the room with a sad expression. "Bad news, Leona," his voice is breaking. This can't be good.

"You know that I've had cancer for quite a while now, I just got back from my hospital checkup. It's worse than before, a-and-" he breaks down crying.

I pat his back gently. It's unusual for Scott to cry over anything. "Tell me, Scott," I say soothingly.

"Th-They said I have two months left, tops." he sniffed deeply and sighed.

Suddenly the fact I am being bullied doesn't matter. The fact I have no friends doesn't matter. Because I'm going to lose the only person left in this world that cares about me.

My brother is going to die.

Poor Leona! This chapter was fairly long, and I hope you enjoyed it. There will be more soon, so stay on the lookout for the next chapter!


(PS: I love unexpected twists. Do you?)

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