are they good friends

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so today was ok but something that i hate is tht cupcake had spraded prefure in my eye omg tht shit hella hurt.but i like making poems so here i go¨fuck love because they wont love you back,im focusing on trying to show all the youth ,life anit about fuckin  bithecs  and htting  functions .get that educationn  ,youll  thank your self  in the long run .

im not perfect and i have hurt you before i cant help the situation  if im not getting ignored.

be postive and follow you dreams no matter what .

thy say have faith in god he belives in you and  me.

lengeds never die i just get up and keep going like nothing happden .some people ca travel the world but i can  see my loving angel looking down on me .sometimes i just close my eyes and see all my problems go away  like birds flying .

im still a  kid 

i still make mistakes 

i just wanna live ,before the good times  fade away

im still a kid  so,i make mistakes  i just wanna live , beofre tha good times go.

love it or hate it,regardless i ḿa flourish , a rebel to the grain . the ones  who follow  have no courage   .they  use to put me down  until they see me shine ,now  im laughen  when  they  ask for a minute of my time.the hardest part of losing someone is saying goodbye,id rather have them n ext to me then heaven .

he saw you.

he met you.

he wanted you.

he liked you.

he chased you.

he got you.

he had  you.

he got bored of you.

and he left.

ok i have to say somthing thereś this boy  and the way hw laugh makes me smile ,an the way he talks  gives me butterflys and everything about him  makes me happy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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