Justin Bieber Imagine {1}

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You're at your locker with your friends and they look over your shoulder then turn back to you with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Bieber's staring at you, again." One of them giggled and pointed over to him.

You looked back and sure enough, you see him staring. His cheeks turn red, he quickly turns his head away to break eye contact with you and continues talking to his friends.

"You should go talk to him. He's pretty cute." Your other friend nudges you.

Smiling to yourself, you close your locker. "I think I will." You finally say.

"We'll be watching." They all smiled and waved.

You waved to your friends and walked over to Justin, who was now at his locker alone. You held a deep breath and let it out as you walked towards him.

"Hey, Justin." You greet him with a friendly smile.

He turns so that he faces you and his eyes lighten up. "H-hi." He stutters, looking towards the ground to break eye contact. You raise an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"Nothing." He says as he still looks at the ground.

"You can trust me." You say.

"S-sorry. It's just that you're so..pretty. I mess up when I get nervous." Justin admits.

You felt your cheeks heat up and you try to hold back a smile by biting your lip.

"You're so sweet. It's fine! I was wondering if you want to hang out sometime?"

Justin's eyes were bright and his smile was as wide as ever. "YES!" He exclaims. "Er..I mean yes, of course." He said again, this time quietly as if he was trying to act calm.

You giggle and hand him your phone. He adds himself as a contact and hands you back your phone.

"See you later, Justin." You wave at him and walk away.

"See you later, babe." He mumbles to himself but you catch it. You walk away but you  can still feel his eyes on you.


Aww :3 Don't you love shy and cute Justin? I think it's adorable <3

Justin Bieber & Jason McCann ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now