Namimori School Days~ Prefect Duty.

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I'm currently heartbroken by KHR... I watched the last few episodes of the anime and it felt like KHR was ending again. Please comment to make me feel better :( You guys understand how I feel right? TT^TT

As you walked into the empty classroom five minutes early, it dawned on you that Hibari wasn't at the gates today. You wondered where he could possibly be. Must've been important.

By the time you had finished dawdling in your thoughts the room had already begun to fill with people. You heard the desk creak besides you as it shifted.

"Oi. Name. What are you thinking about?" Gokudera asked curiously. You seemed really out of it today... Maybe you were sick? ...n-not that he was worried or anything!

"A-ano Name-chan, are you okay?" Tsuna asked concern on his face.

"Oh yeah Im fine. I was just wondering why Hibari wasn't at the gates today-I mean isn't he usually always there?"

At the mention of Hibari, Gokudera scowled deeply. Why were you wasting your time thinking about him?!

"Che." He kicked his feet up onto the table and glared at the door.

"Okay Class We will be lear-"

Suddenly the door slid open with a bang.

27 pairs of wide frightened eyes met cold steel blue ones.


"Hn. If any of you dare form a crowd near me. I'll bite you all to death."

And with one look at the guy sitting behind you the guy nearly peed his pants and scrambled out of his seat and onto the floor quickly backing away from the dangerous prefect.

"You tilted your head before asking "What are you doing here Hibari-kun?"

There were slight gasps aound the room at the suffice as if they were waiting for hibari to takeout his tonfas and bite you to death. But another sharp glare immediently silenced the room.

"Hn. I'm making sure you herbivores aren't disrupting peace and keeping up Nami-chuu's reputation." But more than anything it seemed like he was watching you.

...Tsuna sweatdropped seeing right through his facade. He just wanted to spend more time with you. But why today? His Hyper Intuition was acting up again. WHat was that unsettling feeling he was getting?

There was one time in class when a guy near you dropped a pencil and when you picked it up to hand it back to him, the guy looked like he was a bout to pee his pants before quickly moving his entire desk away from you.

Maybe it was because Hibari was death-glaring at him and an evil glint of metal was peeking out from his jacket.

Just when the first bell rang, signalling the end of the period- you could almost feel the relief radiiating off the rest of the class, but before any of them could get up to make a quick exit. The door slid open the second time today.

"Kufufufufu~ I've come to take up your offer~*"   Hibari let out a low growl "...Pineapple Herbivore. I'll bite you to death for tresspassing on my school"   Ah. So that feeling was Mukuro. Tsuna sighed in defeat. He knew Hibari wasn't just here for Prefect Duties. Or to watch you. Hibari had known all along.

  ...Damn his Hyper Intuition. Sometimes Tsuna wished he didn't.

And so here they were on the roof, the pineapple and the skylark just mildly tolerating each other and resisting the urge to severly maim each other.

Only because (Name)'s going to let me eat her bento... They thought at the same time.

Ah the wonders of love~ 

But before anyone could make an input ofwhy Mukuro was here and why Hibari was crowding (Wait- don't let Hibari hear me say that) Mukuro had stolen your lunch- Hibari was beyond pissed and they both snapped. Tonfas clashed against Trident (Again) and the though running through everyone's mind was-

Ah well it was bound to happen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Extra?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hibari- Herbivores, the stupid herbivore of an author has been bitten to death for suggesting I had been crowding so make sure you comment on why (Name) should end up with me. Or I'll bite you all to death as well... 

Gokudera-Che. I'm sure the readers like me way more than a cold unfeeling b*stard like you. Right? *cue cute puppy dog smile*

Mukuro- Kufufufu~ What makes you think they'd go for you too when my sweet reader-chans' have me? Isn't that right? *cue sexy smirk that causes nosebleeds*

Tsuna- B-but what about me? Aren't I good enough for you (Name)-chan? D-do you not l-like me? *cue insanely adorable kicked puppy/heart-boken expression.*

Belphegor- Ushishishi~ Prince deserves the princess afterall~ I'll make sure (name)-hime has everything she could ever want~

Fran- (Name)? Who's that? Ah. The girl Shishou and Sempai stalk right? She must be interesting to catch their eye. Hmmm...

Dino-...What are you guys talking about- scrolls through convo-*eye twitch* ...YOU LITTLE SH- 


Dino- The time when my precious sorella won't be single  is when I personally wipe all of the men off the face of this earth.

Risu- *cough* H-haha o-verprotec*wheeze* much? Comment to help me feel better? //tonfa-ed//

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