Shock Waves Chapter 20

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"Oh No," NIck said, staring at my wet pants and the floor..

"No, no no,"I said, "It's too early." Denise was still out in the hall waiting so she jumped to the rescue.

"Don't panic," she said. Joe looked confused, but Rob and Kevin knew immediately that my water had broke. Joe seen them get panicky and it seemed to click in his head.

"Oh, god,"He said,"Um I'll call the hospital, mom get her in the car, Kevin go with her, Nick get in my car we'll drive over together. Let's go people." The next ten minutes rushed quickly, as my contractions started.

"The doctor's said you'll be okay, the baby was good size at your last appointment, they only worry about him or her breathing well," she said, hanging up with Joe,"So let's just get you there and checked in. The last few contractions before the hospital started to sting, but nothing to bad yet. As we pulled into the hospital, The nurses met us at the door and rushed me in. Everyone else was behind, parking cars and grabbing bags. I was checked in, changed, and hooked up in my delivery room before any of them even made it upstairs.

"Hey, baby," Joe said, coming an sitting next to me,"Everything is going to be okay. I know it's early, but our baby is coming. I'm here, and everyone is on their way, just hold tight."

"Did you call your dad?" I asked,"He'll wanna be here."

"My mom is calling tons of people, he's top of the list," he said, kissing my forehead, then the pain started. I started to breath and he kissed my forehead and rubbed my back,as the contraction seemed to rip me open.

"Seriously," i said, "I dunno about this natural birth. I might need the drugs." He laughed.

"You told me no matter what," he said,"You wanted the full experience. Remember baby, I'm here, It's gonna hurt and I know that but I'm here for you and we'll get through this together." I smiled at him as the doctor came into the room.

"Alright, "he said,"It's a little early, but the heartbeat is strong, and everything else looks good, remember the date may be off, we won't know for sure till she gets here. SO let's check your dilation." He checked and I winced, feeling another contraction. Joe was beyond supportive, rubbing my back at every contraction. The doctor pulled away and looked at me.

"Well you at 4 centimeters, so we have a long way to go," he said, smiling, just keep doing what your doing and if you stay this way too long we'll have to give you drugs to relax your body." He left the room and Joe kissed my forehead. The next 12 hours were brutal. I had only made it to 8 centimeters and the doctor said everything was progressing very well, slowing but progressing. I felt exhausted and I was starving. Water just wasn’t gonna work forever. At the 18 hour mark the doctor checked on me again and he smiled.

"10 centimeters," he said,"It's time to have a baby." He got all his nurses in the room and had them get ready as he told me to push. I beared down with everything I had and it seemed to do no good.

"Doing great baby," Joe said holding my right knee and my right hand. The doctor nodded.

"Whenever you feel a contraction just push," he said. I pushed for almost a half hour and the doctor announced shoulders, belly, and then a loud cry filled the room.

"It's a girl,"He said, as Joe cut the cord, his eyes wide in amazement and the doctor handed the baby off to the nurses, who automatically hooked her up to breathing machines and heart monitors.

"I wanna see her," I said, trying to get a look.

"Just hold on,the placenta doesn’t wanna descend, just give me a moment,"the doctor said, pushing on my abdomen. I let out a small cry an then he pulled it out and I was able to relax.

"Good, it was just a little stubborn," he said,"Everything looks great, she's doing well, may not need the machines, but we'll keep her on them for a few hours, then see how she's doing." He had nurses get me cleaned up and order me some food. I hadn't even seen my daughter yet.

"9 lbs, 1 oz," Joe said,"She's a big girl. 21 inches long. Kaitlyn Denise Jonas. We have a daughter, Jena, a little girl." I smiled softly seeing that little pink blanket coming in my direction.

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