Cloudy Mornings

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"Wake up, Dad!" Hinata yells as he cannonballs between Akaashi and Bokuto. Bokuto groans as Akaashi slowly wakes his eyes. Seemed like high school with Bokuto gave him an extra layer of tolerance.

"Hey, hey, hey, little Shoyo. Have a good dream last night? I had a great one about you and Keiji. Going to the ice rink, going to the movie theaters, going to an all-you-can-eat buffet, and going to an amusement park!" Bokuto wrapped his arms around Hinata, trapping him in a warm embrace. Keiji tried to slip away, but ended up trapped in Bokuto's hug as well.

"K-Kotaro, I need to make breakfast and dress Shoyo for the day. Let me go." Akaashi did his best to pry Bokuto's arms off of his body. Once he did, he gazed out the window and let out a soft groan. The sky was gray with clouds and the ground was white with snow. He took a moment to watch the snowflakes dance as they fell, remembering when he and Bokuto took Hinata ice skating. "Never mind, why don't we spend the day inside and go out later?"

Both Hinata and Bokuto jumped from the bed and sprinted to the window. "Snowmen and snowball fights! Me and Shoyo against you, Keiji!" Bokuto challenged.

"Or movies and hot chocolate." Akaashi added. He left his bedroom to make breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and biscuits sounded like a good idea. Considering that it was snowing, he thought about cooking pancakes or waffles. Eh, pancakes and waffles are easier to make.

"If I eat all my food first, we'll do what I want. If you finish first, we'll do what you want. Sound like a plan?" Bokuto asked as he tossed Hinata a volleyball. "Though, we'll always have time to show you how to become the best ace in the world!"

Hinata jumped and caught the ball in excitement. "Really? As good as you? I want to be like you! And I want to set like Dad!"

Bokuto laughed. "You'll be the best ace and setter in the world. Why don't you practice with your friend, Kageyama? Keiji and I planned on visiting Sugawara and Daichi tomorrow. You can play with him when we visit!"

"Kageyama? Ok, but he can be kinda scary." Hinata tossed the ball back to Bokuto.

"If he's mean to you, come and get me. No one makes my son cry." Bokuto puffed out his chest. "Why don't you go and get changed? We'll eat breakfast and watch a movie before going out." Hinata quickly left to his room, after a fast hug from Bokuto.

"The pancakes and waffles with extra whipped cream are yours and Hinata's. Please do not eat any of his food. The pancakes with fruit are mine." Akaashi said to Bokuto as he grabbed drinks from the refrigerator. Hinata soon bounded down the hallway and began eating his food.

"Tashes ash gwod ash evfer, huh Hinatha?" Bokuto said, with his mouth full. (Tastes as good as ever, huh Hinata?).

"Bokuto, would you please not talk while eating, it's disgusting and you're getting food everywhere." Akaashi handed him a napkin with a scolding look on his face.

"Can you wipe my face?" Hinata asked, his face had crumbs and whipped cream all over.

"No, you're already old enough to do it yourself. Just watch your father wipe his own face." Akaashi spoke as he cut his food. Bokuto and Hinata wiped wiped their faces and finished their food. Hinata was the winner, so he got to choose what they did in the morning.

"Can we watch a movie?" Hinata asked after he finished putting his dishes away. Bokuto got an excited look in his eyes as he glanced at Akaashi for approval. With one slight nod, Bokuto already had Hinata on his shoulders to pick out a movie.

"Make sure it has the proper rating, we don't need to have Hinata scarred from your scary movies."

Bokuto looked at the movie in Hinata's hands. "Oh... We can't watch this until you're older. Choose another one."

"How about this one?" Hinata handed Bokuto a simple child's movie. Aimed for kids, it was also entertaining for the poor adults who got stuck watching it.

"Ooh, I like this one, too! Let's hurry and put it in the movie player. I'll put it in while you go and help Keiji make hot chocolate."

"We just had breakfast." Akaashi said. He got Hinata and whispered in his ear. "So no extra food until lunch time."

"Yeah, I am pretty full." Hinata quietly giggled as he and Akaashi mixed the hot chocolate.

"WHAT?! But everyone has room for hot chocolate! Fine... But I'm not gonna laugh or smile for the rest of the day," whined Bokuto.

"You still have that habit from high school? Guess it was silly of me to think you've matured." Akaashi spoke loudly as he quietly brought over a tray.

Bokuto grudgingly turned on the TV and pressed play. Hinata and Akaashi sat together while Bokuto sat miserably alone on the armchair. A few minutes into the movie, Akaashi quietly gave Hinata a mug and took a long sip from his own. Bokuto did not notice. This time, Akaashi took a long, slurpy gulp and swallowed loudly. Bokuto still did not notice. I swear he's dense, Akaashi thought. Then, he began cough loudly, which finally caught Bokuto's attention. Bokuto looked over and his face lit up immediately.

"Hey, hey, hey! You changed your mind after all! Is there any for me?" Bokuto was standing by this point and was already pouring himself a mug. Hinata laughed and asked for a refill. Looking back at the movie, Akaashi smiled. They may give me headaches, but I can't help to love them.

"Papa? Dad spilled the hot chocolate."

Akaashi's Lovable HeadachesWhere stories live. Discover now