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Authors note// hello readers and other people 😂 this is going to be my first official interracial (bwwm) book, I'm going to be making it into an on going series until I decide I'm bored with it. At the beginning of each chapter I will post a picture of a random BWWM couple. They are not related to the story in any way beside being a BWWM couple. I'm pretty sure I've spoken enough so let the story begin!//

"Brody you know I can't do this with you!" I cautiously whispered to him while stroking the back of my neck.
"But baby, you know I've been waiting for this..." he eyed my body, not my eyes.
"I want it too Brody, you know how much I love you..."
I gazed into his deep grey eyes, I took a step closer towards him and caressed his blonde hair; I looked at his full, pink lips and took a step closer. This is it, I finally get to kiss him!
'Ring ring ring ring ring ring.'
"Not again.." I mumbled to myself, I guess I'll never get to kiss him. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror, I look like a horrid mess; no wonder why he wouldn't like me, I'm too big for someone like him, too ugly, too nerdy, too black, I sighed and went into the bath room to do my hygiene. I styled my hair in a top knot bun, my hair isn't long nor is it short, it comes just below my shoulders, I guess I like it like that. I put a bit of mascara on and some clear lipgloss and slipped on my glasses, the black frame hid my face. I gathered my books and walked downstairs, doesn't look like anyone's home; my mom works about 3 jobs just to provide for me and her, we're not rich although we're not poor. Just working class I guess but it's not a big deal. I don't have brand name clothes or the best shoes or anything like that; in fact I haven't had a new pair of shoes for about 2 months now! It's not a big deal although it would be nice but I don't want to nag my mom about that. I stroked my cat Bandit quickly before heading off to school.

At school.
I arrived at school and went straight to my locker, I don't have any friends at school since everyone wants to treat me like shit; everyone chooses to ignore me or be rude to me, no one even said happy birthday to me on my 16th birthday, but I guess that's life.
"But baby! I really wanted that dress do you think we could maybe go shopping after school?" I heard that recognisable voice again.
Janeáh. (Jah-nay)
I fucking hate her, she's the reason why my school life is hell! We used to be best friends until she took my first boyfriend, I didn't even care about that it's the fact that she completely blamed their breakup on me. Ever since then she became a lot more popular than me, I guess it just down to how she looks as well, mixed race with long curly hair down to the middle of her back, light skin, she's slim thick and out going, I'm just dull I guess, all my clothes are black, I'm brown skin, I have shortish frizzy hair, I'm nerdy, I'm shy and I'm quite tall, that's if you consider 5'8" tall. Honestly, I will never know how we ever got along.
"Look at the nerd! Haha she's so ugly and fat she'll never find anyone!" Alicia spat her poison at me, Alicia is Janaéh's best friend, she's pretty I guess, not very nice or smart though. "Hey look! Nerd looks like she's gonna cry, wah wah wah, she's crying about how poor and ugly she is!" They laughed even harder at their dark humour. I felt beads of warm water plop onto my thick cheeks, I turned around with my head down and books in my arms and walked away. I rushed to the bathroom as soon as I could locked myself in a stall. This has been going on for too long, I wish I wasn't here, I'm a huge mistake! I began to sob even harder, I pulled back the sleeves from my arms to reveal deep marks and cuts, still healing. I cried even harder knowing that I hurt myself because of them. I wiped my tears and came out the stall; I gave myself a peak in the mirror before I left to make sure I didn't look like I was crying. I realised I was late to class when I looked at my watch and saw it said 13:20, 10 minutes late to math. I ran down the hallway not looking or concentrating on who was in front of me. Maybe if I did I wouldn't of bumped into him.
Wait who is he?
I looked up at him and adjusted the glasses on my face, he glared at me menacingly.
"You should watch where you're going." He slowly pulled out a cigarette from a box and put it into his mouth.
"S-sorry, I-it won't happen again." I picked up my books and went around him.
"Wait. What's your name ?" He slowly lit the cigarette before taking a long draw and exhaling.
"Um, my uh-."
"Cat got your tongue?" He asked while smirking at me. He took another large draw and came closer to me, exhaling it in my face, I let out a small cough and stepped back.
"What's your name?" He asked again
"Maya." I exclaimed quickly
"Hm. Okay." He took another puff. The silence between us soon became awkward, I broke the silence before explaining that I needed to go to math class.
"Bye, Maya." The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. A tingling feeling.
I finally got to math class, now 15 minutes late. I apologised to Ms. Franky and sat down in my seat and began to work.
"Class, we have a project that we're going to be working on, I will split the group into pairs in the next 5 minutes." Ms Franky drowsily said, she crept down into her chair.
That guy I saw earlier came into class soon after Ms Franky announced the project, at least we're not picking our pairs because usually no one wants to be with me.
"Mr Adams, you're late." The teacher spoke
"Um yeah I know that.." he stroked the back of his neck and looked around. Come to think of it I've never seen him around here before, he must be new.
"Care to introduce yourself to the class Adams?" Ms questioned him.
"I'm Chase, and I transferred here from a school in Chicago." He gave a sweet smile to all the females in the class.
"Go sit down next to Chan, Mr Adams." Ms pointed at the sit next to me. In case you're wondering, yes my last name is Chan, I'm 1/4 Chinese and took my fathers last name, 'Chan'.
He slowly strolled over to the seat and sat down next to me.
"So your last name is Chan?" He asked
"Y-yep." I shakily answered
"Why do you sound so scared? I'm not going to bite, unless you want me to." He winked at me.
"I-uh I'm just gonna do my work, ask me for help if needed. By the way we're doing linear equations." I put my head down and picked up my pen.
"Okay class I'm going to announce who is working with who on this project for the next two weeks, you will need to be working on linear equations but you get to pick which one, choose carefully. Alright let's gets started.
Ana and Jade
Youcef and Kamille
Javonté (Jah-Von-tay) and Amelia
Jessica and Bradley..." as she announced the names I began to trail off with my thoughts, hoping that I could possibly work myself again.
"Last but not least, Chase and Maya you'll be working together. You and your partners must contact each other at least 3 times a week to get this work done so I suggest you take their numbers down and start tonight maybe." Ms sounded unsure of her decision but let it run anyways.
So now I'm stuck with this Chase guy, for like 5 weeks and I have to meet up with him the minimum of at least 3 days a week. That's 15 days in bloody 1 month and 1 week, I barely know him, plus he smokes!
"So.. Mia is it? Wait no it's Maya, my house or yours?" He asked
I don't bring anyone over to my house; I'm embarrassed of where I live to be honest, its run down, we barely have electricity half the time.
"U-um your house?" I spoke quietly, unsure of my decision.
"Cool, give me your number and I'll pick you up after school." He shrugged.
I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him; soon after the bell rang and it was time to go to class.

After School

I put all my books in my locker and proceeded to walk out the school, I had no intention of seeing Brody and his gang, they all bully me; plus his girlfriend is Janaéh, it's sickens me because I still like him so much yet he'll never see me in such a light.
My phone started buzzing in my pocket, the caller ID said 'Unknown Number' I picked it up anyways,
"Hey it's Chase, come out of school. I'm in a white Porsche."
"A Porsche?!"
"Yea," he chuckled, "I'll see you outside."
I hung up on him and rushed outside, I didn't believe my eyes, he wasn't lying when he said a white Porsche!
Chase rolled down the tinted windows and glared past me for ages, I turned around and saw Brody. 'What happened between them' I thought to myself. I rushed to Chase's car and hopped in the front seat. I stared at him only just realising how beautiful he is, jet black hair, dark blue eyes, a few freckles on his face and plump, pink lips.
"What are you looking at?" I watched his mouth curve into a toothy grin
"Nothing.." my palms began to get sweaty and I put on my seat belt. We jetted off to his house.

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