Chapter 3

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** The Next Morning **

Lauren woke up early that next morning, feeling the weight on her chest. She looked down and saw her sleeping bandmate lying there. Even after sleeping for 8hours Ally's eyes were still puffy and bloodshot from the amount of crying she had done the night before. That made Lauren sad. Lauren wanted nothing more than to protect the small Texan girl.

Lauren observed Ally more intently - taking in all the girl's features. She only then noticed that Ally was gripping tightly to her t-shirt, her hands screwed up in little balls, as if she were afraid that Lauren would disappear if she let go. Lauren also noted that she had tear stains on her shirt- right where Ally was lying. "She's been crying all alone, I was fast asleep while she's been crying." Lauren's heart broke - believing herself to be selfish - how could she let Ally cry all alone in the middle of the night.

Lauren wasn't used to seeing Ally so vunerable and upset. Ally was always happy and positive and strong and, well she was always Ally. 'Something is seriously bothering her' Lauren sighed, as Ally began to stir - she was always a morning person. Lauren watched as Ally woke up; as her grip loosened and her eyes cracked open.

"Morning Lo!" Ally said enthusiastically, as if the night before had never happened. "Ally?" Lauren questioned, obviously startled about Ally's sudden change in attitude. "Yes Lolo?" Ally replied, trying to put on her best 'real' fake smile. "Are you ok, y'know after last night?" Lauren asked - not believing Ally for a second.

"Of course. I was just overreacting, I was being dramatic. It's nothing - I'm fine." Ally mustered - lying through her teeth but trying to remain positive. Lauren raised an eyebrow, challenging the smaller girl.
"Really. Lauren, I'm fine. It's just hate online, there's bigger problems in the world." Ally shrugged. She was trying so hard to make Lauren drop the subject.

Lauren knew exactly what Ally was doing - trying to make it seem like her problem wasn't as big as it was. Ally was trying to make it seem like the problem didn't hurt her - judging by last night, Lauren knew it clearly was.
"Ok Ally." Lauren said in defeat as Ally let a small sigh of relief escape her mouth. 'You've gotta hide it better Ally' she told herself 'you're being selfish - people have bigger problems and here you are crying over online hate and your sexuality.'

"Get dressed Ally, I'm taking you out for breakfast." Lauren said grabbing her hand. Ally gulped, she hadn't really been eating much lately - not since the tour started. That's when the hate really started coming in, after their tour outfits had been revealed. Ally knew it was dangerous, she knew it was stupid but she couldn't stop. She tried to stop, she really did. Her body and mind wouldn't let her though - constantly making her throw up after a big meal or her brain nagging her.

'You're so fat Ally, drop a few pounds and maybe someone will actually like you.'
'The other girls in your group are so much hotter than you. You're too short and too fat.'
'Are you really going to eat that?'

"Ally?" Lauren said worriedly at Ally who had spaced out. "Ally, baby, can I take you out?"  Ally snapped back into reality. "Yeah I'll go and get changed." Ally stuttered, taking some clothes and walking into the bathroom. Lauren sat in Ally's bunk watching as the small girl walked away. She was worried about Ally - very worried. She stood up and walked to Mani's suitcase that was in the floor - grabbing a t-shirt and some jeans she got changed, right there in the bunk area. Ally still wasn't out of the bathroom so Lauren decided to go and wait in the front lounge.

*Meanwhile with Ally*

Ally walked into the bathroom locking the door immediately behind her, shakily placing her back against it. She took a deep breath as she held her clothes against her chest.
She slowly stepped away from it, putting her clothes on the bathroom counter. She looked in the mirror at herself - the bloodshot eyes, the messy hair, the flushed nose and cheeks.
"Ally stop being such a baby, you're supposed to be the oldest. You're the 'sunshine' of this group so put on a smile and stop acting so damn sad!" Ally said angrily to herself as she washes her face.

Ally pulled of her pyjama bottoms leaving her in Lauren's shirt. She hugged herself tightly inhaling the scent of her younger but taller bandmate. Lauren. Lauren made Ally smile, she makes Ally happy. Lately whenever Lauren has been around, Ally has felt a sort of pull towards the girl. It worries her, she's never felt like this towards a girl before. It's made her question everything - she was sure she was straight. Ally let out a sigh, pulling Lauren's shirt off of her body. She was stood in her underwear looking at herself in the full length mirror. She traced the outline of her thighs, her stomach and her breasts - making of note of the weight she needed to lose. She ran her hands over the fading scars on her thighs -  so faded now that they were hardly visible, you'd only know they were there if you were specifically looking for them or if you felt Ally's legs.

"3 years today." Ally whispered quietly, a small smile appearing on her face. "I did it - I made it."
Ally, feeling more accomplished than a few minutes ago, got changed quickly before exiting the bathroom.
"I'm going to go out and eat breakfast with one of best friends on my 3 years clean. Today will be a good day!" Ally said - psyching herself up.

Lauren lifted her eyes from her phone when she heard Ally enter the room. "You ready to go?" She asked the smaller girl. Ally smiled at her and nodded, grabbing her purse. Lauren stood up and took the purse out of Ally's hand. "You won't need that, I'm paying." Lauren smiled back at Ally, holding the purse above her head. Ally stood on her tiptoes but still was unable to reach. Huffing in annoyance she returned to her normal height.

"Fine, but I'm buying the next time we go out." Ally said - shaking her head. "Okay Ally." Lauren agreed. She offered Ally her hand - wiggling her fingers. Ally giggled slightly and laced her fingers with Lauren's, giving her hand a squeeze.
"Let's go Al!" Lauren exclaimed as she practically pulled Ally off of the bus.

They decided to go to a small diner that was only 5 minutes away from the venue, where their tour bus was parked. Since it was only 5 minutes away the two girls chose to walk. Still pulling Ally along behind her, Lauren babbled excitedly about the show that was later that day. Ally tried to listen- but with everything on her mind, she found it hard to concentrate.

They soon arrived at the diner and Lauren pulled Ally to a booth. The girls sat down and both started to look at their menus. "What do you want Al? You can have as much as you like, I'm paying." Lauren said smiling kindly at her band mate. Ally nervously looked through the menu, looking desperately for something that her stomach would keep down.

"Umm I'll just have some toast Laur." Ally said with a small smile, genuinely pleased with her choice. "You sure Ally? They've got waffles and bacon." Lauren tried to persuade Ally to have more.
"I'm positive Lolo" Ally reassured Lauren, reaching out and placing her hand on top of Lauren's.
"Ok Ally, if you're sure." Lauren sighed. "I guess I'll get the Waffles and bacon, you can always have some if you want."
"Thanks Lau-"

"Hello Ladies! Welcome to Syd's! I'm Sean and I'll be your server today." The peppy male waiter beamed at the two girls. "Are you ready to order?"
"Yeah" Lauren smiled before clearing her throat. "Can we have a plate of toast, also a plate of Waffles and Bacon?"
"Certainly Miss, what would you like to drink?" Sean asked politely as he wrote down their order.
"I'll have coffee please, Ally?" Lauren ordered before turning to the smaller girl. "I'll have water please." Ally smiled at the waiter and then at Lauren, who was looking at Ally in concern.

"Ok your order will be done in 10 minutes." Sean said walking into the kitchen. As soon as he left Lauren called Ally over to her side of the booth. Ally sat down next to Lauren and rested her head on her shoulder. Lauren's arm wrapped securely around Ally's shoulder pulling her impossibly close.
"What's this for?" Ally wondered, not that she wasn't enjoying it.
"I want you to know that I love you Ally. You can talk to me about anything." Lauren said quietly.
"Lauren, you have to understand that I'm fine, just drop it. I love you too though." Ally said leaning up and kissing Lauren's cheek.

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