Chapter 1 - "Dear Liz"

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Chapter 1- "Dear Liz"

Matt's short dirty brown hair, flew through the wind, catching sights of the many wondrous, natures, of the Earth. His hand thrusted towards houses, giving papers to families across his town.

He went the long way, for a special reason. He grabbed one newspaper after another, thrusting it towards doorsteps, trying not to hit the sprinklers getting in the way.

It was 5:00 in the morning, actually it was 5:10 to be exact. Matthew got up at 4:30, and his dad drove him to the local factory that made the papers. He put his shiny, black bicycle in his dad's trunk.

Once they arrived, he got his bicycle out of the trunk and rode it up into the driveway of the factory. Their, waiting for him were people, with a bunch of newspapers.

Also there, were other boys. Some his age, some older, some younger. The paper boy route, started at the age of 11, which is when he too started. Matthew was 15 now.

He was a bright teen, learning the ways of life, and exploring the world. The world of girls, the birds and the bees, and all other sorts of things.

Samuel, was one of his paper boy buddies, they usually went the same route. They didn't see each other often, Sam only did Sunday's paper route, and they didn't go to the same school.

"How are you?" Asked 15 year old Samuel to Matthew.

"I'm good, just tired. Yeah, tired." He yawned back to him.

Sam pointed his pointer finger towards him and said "ditto" and rode off on his shiny, black bicycle.

Matt waited until all the newspaper that could fit, got into his bike. He caught up to Sam, and threw out the papers.

When Sam took a left, Matt took a right, making him go the long way around.

"Remember, don't give a newspaper to 101 Chestnut Rd!" Matt called out to Sam, Sam nodding in reply.

101 Chestnut Road, was a special road, a special house, with a special girl. Elizabeth Daley, to be exact. She had long wavy brown hair, with a tint of chestnut. Her big brown eyes were puppy dog like, and made Matt fall deeply in love with her.

He quickly threw the papers toward the needed houses and stopped at the end of one street. He took out a pad of paper, and a pen and wrote on a little note.

Dear Liz,

You look beautiful today, keep smiling. :)

Matt knew of Lizzie's insecurities. He saw her everyday at school. She was shy and quiet, but she was known, unlike Matt. For some reason, it was because of the way she dressed and how much money she had. That's what made her popular. But Matt could tell, she's didn't like it.

Matt, rode aroids the corner, until he saw the stop sign. He turned a left, and saw the houses of which Sam had already delivered to. But 101 Chestnut, didn't have a paper - and there was a reason why.

Matt rode up to it, and halted his bike to a stop. He leaned it against their mailbox and tucked the note he had written to Elizabeth in a secret special place, only she could find. He threw it up to her window, so she could hear it.

He ran away quickly and drove down the road to a spot behind a tree to see if she could see it.

Now Elizabeth woke up quite early. Why?, because she wanted to have a long time to make herself flawless, now Matt of course didn't see the reason to make her self look caked, but he didn't care anyway.

Indeed, Elizabeth did hear the newspaper hit her window, she was putting on her clothes as it was hit. She ran downstairs and opened the front door, find in the newspaper, she brought it to the kitchen counter and opened it up.

Now, Matt knew Liz liked to read the comics, so that's where he put the note. He leaned a little over to the right to see her read his note.

When Liz opened the comics, she did indeed expect there to be a note, she always had one for her. She read it, smiling. But what she did next, was unthinkable.

She ran outside to her doorstep and looked around for the person who sent it to her. Matt, knowing she'd do just that put the hood on his jacket over his head, and biked away.

Elizabeth had been getting cute little notes like she had been given, ever since she was 14 years old. Ever since Matt realized he liked her. She always wondered who they were from, but never bothered to find out. So that's how her journey began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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