Chapter 6 - Sibyl Vane Part 2

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With wide eyes and a gasp of delight, Sibyl received the fragile gift and tore into the soft packaging with alacrity. Her heart sang as she unwrapped the most beautiful golden and bejeweled necklace that her eyes had ever beheld. The gilded leaves of the cable were a delicate and ornate pure-gold. Set between them were rich flower petals with each of the metal blossoms holding a bud with a different shimmering stone. Clear, bright-white diamonds, deep-red rubies, brilliant-green emeralds, vivid-blue sapphires, and glistening topaz stones twinkled in the light. The necklace was in the style of some of her mother's finer costume jewelry pieces, but she knew this item to be assuredly authentic and exceedingly expensive. She began to cry at the generosity and beauty of such a lavish present.

Sibyl was breathless as she admired the necklace. "It is very lovely, but I couldn't possibly accept so extravagant of a gift. Besides, none of my dresses would be worthy to accompany it—or you, to such an elegant gala as the one held by the Duke."

Dorian laughed in a bright and conspiring way. "It is nothing compared to your beauty, my sweet—besides I have already dealt with the issue of the dress."

With that, he turned and opened the splintering door to the timeworn armoire that stood forlornly in the corner. He stepped to the side with a flourish to reveal a stunning gown that embodied the spirit of the necklace, hanging there expectantly. It was a soft-gold color as well, slim-fitting with a delicate cuirasse-bodice down to the thigh. The front and back of the dress dipped dangerously low in a provocative cut, with a sophisticated pattern of shimmering golden leaves offering the only modesty. The back of the dress was finished in an intricate train that flared wide and was complete with a fanciful network of glistening, inset stones. The entire gown was trimmed in vivid colors, which perfectly complimented the gems that were set in the necklace she had just received. It was truly a masterwork and the sizing and shape seemed like a perfect fit for her body.

"I had the seamstresses that make your stage costumes send the measurements to Paris—oof," he was cut off as Sibyl leapt into his arms, covering his face and neck with a fury of her passionate kisses. Her hands travelled experimentally across his chest and arms, before venturing lower towards his waist and stomach. Dorian grunted and backed into the wall behind him, returning her kisses with a fiery and desperate need. His hands found the curve of her waist and hips. Then he turned and spun her around, lightly forcing her backside against the wall. His fingers pressed lower, moving between Sibyl's slender thighs as his kisses descended between the swell of her supple breasts.

Suddenly, a knock at the door directly behind them rapped out a heavy beat. The door opened partially, and then immediately closed as the muffled voice of the theatre owner grunted out in a halting manner. "None o' that now, I lock up in a quarter hour. 'Tisn't proper—beggin' yo' pardon m'Lord. I'm not one ta interfere, but the other women in da troupe won't allow that sort a'thing—seein' as it's a shared dressin' room an' all. An' the girl's mother wo' be furious wi' me."

With a frustrated look, the couple untangled from each other's arms and tried unsuccessfully to smooth out their disheveled clothing. "One moment," Dorian called out in a commanding manner. He leaned into Sibyl's ear and spoke softly. "Change quickly and we'll be off. I'll distract him." With that, he exited the room and quickly closed the door behind him. Sibyl could hear his muffled voice as he attempted to stall the flustered owner with talk of remodeling the stage.

Sibyl hastily donned the golden dress and draped the glamorous necklace across her bustline reverently. She paused briefly to admire the way the jewelry curved with the swell of her bosom before fastening the golden clasps with the precision and speed of an actress long experienced in completing a complicated wardrobe change.

With a few minor touchups to her painted eyelids and long lashes, she finished the styling of her hair. It had, thankfully, been put up and pinned in a regal manner for her performance on stage only an hour earlier. With a discerning eye, she added a subtle kiss of paste and powder to complete the look. In a truly life-saving move one of the seamstresses had ostensibly sent her shoe size as well—for at the bottom of the armoire was a pair of delicate golden heels, embellished with gemstones and silk. Her stockings were serviceable, with the dress hopefully hiding the somewhat tarnished look of them. Pausing for one final glance at the mirror, she exited the room confidently.

Dorian was astonished and struggled to express his admiration as Sibyl emerged from her dressing room and into the hallway. "Good lord, you look exquisite—quite err, amazingly-dazzling." He was stunned by the beauty of this gorgeous creature. The owner could only stare in a state of awe, as Sibyl smoothly took Dorian's arm. He escorted her down the stairs, across the foyer and to the street where the carriage stood waiting to convey them to the gala.

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