Chapter 1

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Enjoy~ Read Author's note at end•


~(Y/n)'s P.O.V & recap~

"On that day..." He starts, "The reason why I took so long wasn't because I went the wrong way but something happened."

"What happened?" I ask him looking deep in those emerald eyes.

"He was kissing someone else, sweetheart" I hear behind me. His eyes go to that person and his eyes widen. I turn around slowly and the first thing I notice is those honey eyes and a killer smirk.

"And that was me" My eyes widen and my grip tightens on his wrist, "Oh how rude I am let me introduce myself-"

They're quickly cut off when Ladybug jumps in, glaring daggers and panting.


~End of recap~

"Volpina?" Obviously confused. He was kissing her? I let go of his wrist and take a few steps back. I see him choking on his words and his eyes flickering to Volpina and back to me. "Chat... You kissed her?"

"I never would've guessed Chat was more of a tongue kisser" Volpina comments with a chuckle. My heart pounds and my worried look turns to a glare.

"It wasn't what it looked like!" Chat yells as he takes a step forward.

"Then I must be blind as a bat huh?" I spat coldly, "I swear why do I keep thinking I could trust you?"

"What're you even trusting me with?" He says mockingly.

"I'm trusting you with my love and trusting you to be loyal and always tell the truth and to love me no matter what!"

I turn and walk away my face red from anger. I feel his hand on my shoulder and I step away as if it was an acid touch.

"Don't you fucking touch me" I snarl.

"Chat what the-"

"Save it Ladybug!" Chat Noir snaps. Volpina hums and glances at her nails with that stupid smirk.

"Ah I guess Chat is mine" She chuckles. Son of a bitch. I can't walk away. I can't keep letting problems like this happen. Before Volpina can grab Chat, I step in between.

"You owe me an explanation later" I spat over my shoulder. "And a thank you."

"Out of my way" Volpina demands with a glare.

"You're not getting my cat" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Ooh feisty" She chuckles. "But seriously out of my way."

I shake my head with a smirk. I think I'm pushing her to fight, fist to fist? Hell yeah I can. But I'm guessing she's a Miraculous so I'm at a disadvantage. Volpina raises her fist but Ladybug stops her with her yo-yo.

"I'm not done with you" Ladybug almost hisses and pulls back the string hard enough to fling her back.


Adrien kicks a rock along the street. We make our way to the fountain, I sit down and lightly touch the water.

"So? Explanation?" I don't look at him. He sits next to me and sighs.

"As you saw, Volpina was akumatized and she used illusions on us," He starts "And that's what she did to me earlier."

"What do you mean?" I ask lifting my gaze to him.

"I thought she was you and things happened" his voice goes a bit unsteady. "And next thing I know, we were kissing...then she revealed herself but I couldn't deal with that right there because you were minutes away from leaving."

That bitch.

"I didn't know how to tell you because we were already having problems but I didn't know how to deal with not telling you" Adrien sighs. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright" I huff out, smiling a bit. "You were tricked into it... I got an explanation and we took care of her."

"Are you sure? I mean even though I explained, it's okay to be mad" He says quickly making me chuckle.

"I'm fine" I assure him with a smile. Adrien stares at me before nodding.

"Well I got a photoshoot in ten minutes" Adrien says glancing at his wrist watch. "I'll see you later?"

His arms open but they stop and his face goes uneasy. How cute. I smile and hug him.

"Alright, I'll see you" I sigh and he starts to head off. I watch him go and I sit back down. Time to go home.

~Nathanael's P.O.V~

"A vision is a portrait, a palate of colors

we swim in an ocean with blind folded lovers"

I take out my earphones. It's quiet. Finally they stopped.

I sigh and put my pencil down. I lean back in my chair and run a hand through my hair. I stare at my doodle and close my notebook. I need to be studying but I can't. Not with everything that is going on.

I wish I can call (Y/n) but I think she's busy right now with her friends. I stare at my pastel blue notebook with the label 'Algebra' on it.

"Nathanael...It's time to eat" I hear my dad call from the kitchen.

"Coming" I answer back. I drag myself to the kitchen and see my dad already eating at the table and my mom washing the dishes. I walk to my usual spot and look at what's to eat. Pizza. I guess it was dad's time to get the food. I grab two slices and a coke.

"How are your studies going?" Mom asks, her back facing me.

"Good...I finished studying Algebra right now" I reply. "I'll be studying English after this."

"That's good" She sighs and goes to her spot in front me and grabs a slice.

"And what about your paintings? How are those going?" Dad asks. Mom scoffs and takes another bite.

"I'm half way finished with them" I answer with a smile.

"You should focus on your studies, Nathanael" Mom implies. "If you were, you would have no time for hobbies like that."

I look at her and my gaze lowers down to the floor. I mumble an apology. The room falls quiet. I finish one slice and bite through my second one.

"I mean...maybe you could invest in something else" Mom breaks the silence. "I think my tone earlier might have sounded rude, I apologize, those were not my intentions."

"No it's alright, mom" I say quickly.

"Maybe you'd like to come with me to one of my teachings" She suggests with a smile. "I'm sure you'd love it."

"Sure I'll go" I say with a steady smile. I finish my second slice. I grab another because why not?

"Great, it's this Thursday" Mom smiles making me smile along with her.

"I hope you two have a great time" Dad says with a small smile. Mom grabs her red hair back in a bun and shoots a smile at dad.

"Let's bring the pizza to the living room and watch a of couple movies, yeah?" Mom glances at both of us. We both agree and gather our slices and beverages. I hope this lasts soon.



This is from you to me❤❤ I'm still working on the summary but everything else is set up! Thank you for waiting and I'm sorry I took too long but it's out!

•Author's note•

This book might focus on Nathanael a bit more than Adrien and reader chan but it'll still be good! Please enjoy my first chapter!

Happy holidays 💙


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