All I See Is You. (Louis Tomlinson One-shot)

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"Look at that asshole... I mean just look at how he's staring at her bum!" Dania grumbles, angrily biting on her chocolate bar.

Ramna, her best friend and apartment mate chuckles, looking at the TV screen where Louis Tomlinson is being interviewed by a hot blonde, and the cheeky and recently "single" band member is eye-raping the sexy interviewer.

"Nia. You know he's just-" Ramna tries so sooth her friend's jealousy, but Dania cuts her off.

"Oh, he's a bastard! Wait 'til I meet him again... I'll give him a piece of mind," she trails off threatingly, and Ramna just rolls her eyes at her dramatic best friend, focusing her attention back on the live SNL performance of One Direction.


The bell rings, and Ramna grumbles, shuffling out of the warm cocoon of sheets she had been wrapped in, in front of the telly, and gets up to answer the doors. On the other side stands the handsome Louis Tomlinson, smiling cheekily.

"Why hello there little one."

"I'm not little one! And is your best friend with you?" Ramna asks excitedly, peering behind Louis' shoulder and hoping to spot a boy with curly hair.

Louis teasingly pushes her back, making her pout. "No, Harry isn't here. Happen to know where your best friend is?"

Ramna smirks. "She just went to bed, but I'll go get her. And boy, is she mad at you!"

"What, Ramna? Why?!" Louis calls out behind her, but the mischeivous girl had left. Ramna slips her head in and peeks inside her best friend's room, to see her wide awake, and busy on her cellphone.

"Guess who's here," Ramna snickers, making Dania look up. She frowns for a second, then she understands.

"Oh, he's here." Dania rolls up her sleeves, and stands up from the bed. "Oh, he's going to get a good hearing. That... that TAROO!" she huffs, slipping out of the room.

"Hey Nia! Babe!" Louis grins when he catches sight of his girlfriend.

Ramna laughs and shakes her head at the dramatic couple, but graciously slips into her own room, not wanting to spy on her bee-aif-aif's and her boyfriend's conversation. 'Sides, Dania will probably give her a detailed account tomorrow morning.


"Dania? Babe? You look mad?" Louis cautiously asks.

"Mad? Oh, I am livid Tomlinson! I was watching this night's show, and throughout the interview, you were constantly checking out that stupid bimbo!"

Louis laughs, he actually laughs. "Oh! You're so aborable when you're jealous. And, you were watching One Direction's show weren't you?" he asks cheekily.

Dania blushes, then crosses her arms. "Of course. I'm a Directioner as much as I am your girlfriend. Maybe even more."

Louis raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"And don't try to sway me by saying I'm adorable!" Dania huffs, and Louis shakes his head, stepping closer to Dania.

"Love, you know why I do that. Why I flirt with other girls. 'Cos I don't want you to get in the public eye yet. I don't want you to get hurt so soon. I want you to be prepared for all of the hardships the fans will enevitably give you. Do you understand?" Louis asks sincerely, boring his blue eyes into his girlfriend's, who looks down, lost for words.

"I understand, Louis. But it hurts me too. You telling everyone that you're single, and then flirting with bimbos... it hurts me. But I guess you're right," she sighs, stepping closer to Louis.

"I just don't want to share you with anybody," Dani mumbles, wrapping her arms around Louis, who hugs her back tightly, kissing her hair.

"I'm all yours, Dania," he murmurs fervently. "It's really painful to see the boys getting torn up when their girls get upset over hate, I want you to be prepared for that, 'cos you can't avoid it if you want to be with me. Do you want to be with me?" Louis asks insecurely, pulling back from the hug.

And Dania actually wants to slap him. "No, you idiot. You're the most perfect guy I've ever met. You're Louis. The guy who makes me smile whenever I'm sad, who gets what I want to say, without me even needing to say it, who just... gets me so well. I'm not getting rid of ya," she grins, once again pulling Louis close, inhaling his cologne.

"I promise you, in the next interview, I'm telling the world I have a beautiful, crazy, perfect girlfriend- ow! Why'd you hit me?! I was trying to be romantic!"

"I am not crazy, Tommo!"

"Oh, really? Do you want me to remind you how we met?" Louis challenges, making Dania blush.

"Okay, okay. I'm crazy," she admits.

"Maybe it's the way she walked, straight into my heart and stole it. Through the doors and past the guards..." Louis sings, making Dania laugh, 'cos Louis had written that line in the song just for her.

And how they met indeed shows how crazy Dania can get. Dania and her best friend Ramna had once attended a One Direction concert, and some bitches had gloated about getting VIP backstage passes, and of course, that had set Dania off.

She had made it her goal to get past the guards and meet the boys, and had dragged a reluctant Ramna along with her.

Oh, and then she had Ramna distract the guards by pretending to have an asthma attack, and she had sneakily snuck in. And then, she had sneakily snatched two VIP cards off some irresponsible, stupid fans, and had shown it to the guards outside, bringing Ramna in. Carefully planned, you see. Dania is a mastermind.

And so they had snuck into the boy's dressing room, scared the pants off the poor boys, but oh, Louis was instantly smitten by the tan-skinned girl in the skinny jeans, 'cos of her lively nature, and yeah, 'cos she was pretty.

And now they're in a relationship, and also, all of them are really good friends. And Ramna may or may not have a more-than-a-crush on the curly haired band member.


"Yeah. And I don't actually see all those girls, Nia," Louis murmurs, tucking a strand of hair behind her hair.

"Yeah?" Dania murmurs.

"Yeah," Louis whispers, leaning his forehead against hers. "From the moment I first saw you, 'til now. All I see is you."


Are you alive yet Dania? ^_^

Khe khe khe... Louis feels ;)

~Ramna :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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