6 | secrets

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It was silent for a good two minutes after Esme made her exit from the Cullen home

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It was silent for a good two minutes after Esme made her exit from the Cullen home. Finally, Maya, who had witnessed the entire encounter from the kitchen threshold beside Rosalie asked, "Who was that?"

Carlisle let out a deep sigh, "My ex-wife."

"Charming, isn't she?" Emmett asked.

"Not really, no," Maya spoke, shaking her head and looking to her mother, who had yet to speak. "Mum?"

"Hm?" Sofia hummed, looking to her daughter.

"You okay?" Maya asked in concern.

"I'm fine," Sofia nodded, resting her head back on Carlisle's shoulder, feeling his grip, once again, tighten around her. If she was human, she's sure he'd be bruised.

"Darling, please, do not worry about her," Carlisle said, setting his hands on either side of Sofia's face. "What Esme and I had was a long time ago, and she could never replace you. You are my mate, my forever. She's in the past."

"I-i just.. What could she do?" Sofia asked, looking up at her mate. "Could she get you in trouble for something or..?"

"I highly doubt she'd do anything," Jasper says.

"I don't see her doing anything right now," Alice added, trying to soothe Sofia. Carlisle was worried about his mate, she had not spoken very much over the time Esme had left, but he knew she was thinking about the previous encounter. Now was a time he really wished Edward was still home so he knew what she was thinking.

"Rosalie, will you continue to help Maya with her homework?" Carlisle asked, receiving a nod from the older blonde and the two went back into the kitchen.

"Come with me, Sweetheart," Carlisle spoke, placing his hand on Sofia's lower back, guiding her into his home office. He walked with her over to the small chaise lounge, sitting down and pulling her into his arms, her back against his chest.

"What's bothering you, love?" Carlisle asked.

"I-I just.. I don't want to lose you when I just found you," Sofia admitted, linking her hand with his, playing with his fingers to distract herself.

"Oh, Sofia," Carlisle kissed the top of her head, "You are not going to lose me, love, I can promise you that."

Sofia looked up to him, leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I hope so," she stated.

Carlisle looks at his mate in confusion, "Why would you say that? Sofia, has something happened before that I need to know about?"

Sofia sighed, "There's a reason why Maya is so protective over me and why I never let any man into my life. Before I was changed, I met a guy. He was sweet, nice, funny and my family loved him. My family comes from a long line of Banshees and have always been wary of outsiders. I loved him and I trusted him. We were betrothed but before we got married I found my entire family slaughtered and then he turned me. I am still part Banshee which in result has kept me half human but I am half vampire. I hated him for what he did but I couldn't bring myself to kill him. I travelled the world for a long time before I came across Maya's coven. Most of the coven had been slaughtered and her parents made me promise to take care of her." After Sofia had finished her story, she couldn't help the tears. No one knew the truth about her except for Maya and her best friend Hannah.

Carlisle hugged his mate tightly, "I love you. Nothing is ever going to change that. We all have our secrets and I understand why you didn't tell me. Don't feel bad about being in love. I'm just glad that I can call you mine and I know that Maya wouldn't trade you for the world. She absolutely adores you. All my children adore you and nothing can change that. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me." The pair hugged each other close, basking in each other embrace. Neither realised how much they needed each other.

Unknown to the two of them, a shadow was lurking in the woods, watching the pair. They were all about to find out the consequences of a broke heart and what they were capable of.

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