5. Stowaway

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© 2013, Chenille Whitehead. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1956 no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher

5. Stowaway

Cecily's face landed on something soft as she was thrown into some sort of pit. All around her was pitch black, except for a few beams of light that were being emitted from the grated trap-door above her. She lifted up her head to start shouting for help, but as she did the thing under her face started to move. She shrieked and then proceeded to gag in disgust, as the creature scurried away from her into the darkness.

"What's that noise?!" A deep proclaimed from somewhere nearby in the darkness.

Cecily screamed again, backing away into a corner. The wall was damp and the wet floor underneath her had turned her prized dress into a soggy brown mop.

"Who's there?" she demanded after a moment, shivering.

"Buttons, Miss." The echoing voice replied. "Who are you?"

"Emmm..." Cecily didn't feel comfortable conversing with someone who she could not see. That voice could have belonged to anyone, and she didn't trust it. After all, this person must be down here for a reason. He could be a murderer for all she knew, and she wasn't about to tell any murderer or thief her name. "Could you please come into the light?"

She heard a shuffling noise and after a moment the beams beneath the grated trap door illuminated the rather rotund figure of a man. As well as being significantly overweight, he wore filthy, grimy old rags, without shoes. At the awful sight of his dirt encrusted features, Cecily couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been down there. Days? Weeks? Feeling hysteria rise within her, she pushed the chilling thoughts from her head. Instead she focused on whether she thought the man looked trustworthy enough to converse with. Indeed, despite being in terrible disarray, Buttons had a kind round face and unthreatening demeanour. She felt herself relax a little.

"What are you down here for?" She asked, wanting to make sure that the wasn't being punished for something sinister.

"I stole from the store, again, didn't I?" He looked away, ashamed of himself.

"So you are employed on the ship, then?" She gulped. If he was left in this dungeon for stealing a bit of food, what would her punishment be? She was sure being a "stowaway" was a much greater crime than stealing food.

"Yes, Miss. I have been on this ship a year now." Buttons beamed with pride. "Longest I've been aboard a ship without being kicked off!"

"You mean, you keep getting dismissed for stealing food?" She gaped at him, bewildered. Why would he continue to thieve, if he kept on getting caught and punished for it? Besides, she thought, looking at his bulging stomach, he certainly doesn't look like he needs to extra food.

"I'm hungrier than most men." he said indignantly, catching her staring at his midriff. "Why are you here?"

Cecily blushed, quickly averting her eyes. She did not mean to stare so unabashedly at the poor man. Who knew what he had been through in his life? Who was she to judge? To make up for her rudeness, she decided to trust Buttons with her predicament – he seemed harmless enough. Perhaps this man could even be of help. She might be able to glean some information from him.

"Well the captain thinks I am a stowaway, you see..."

"Why does he think that?" Buttons leaned closer, eagerly, as if she was about to recount a fairy tale. Her faux-pas immediately forgotton.

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