I passed out after he left the alleyway and woke in the same spot. I soon found out the guy had turned me into the same thing he was, a monster, the technical term is a vampire but apparently something happened in the transformation and I only became half vampire which means I'm still sort of human. I can't control my vampire side so I can't go to school . so I mostly stay at home in the dark. if I do go out it is normally to go to a shop
*3 years later*
I hurry and grab as much clothes as I can shoving them in the clothes hamper in the corner of the small apartment. I go and grab the vacuum but i don't have enough time because i hear the doorbell ring. Damint. the reason I'm in such a hurry is because my childhood friend harry is coming here to visit. i quickly open the door seeing my curly haired friend. damn he had became sexy. his curly hair longer than before his green eyes looked perfect in the sun coming through the door way and he was way taller. i had not seen him in a long time because he was travailing with his mates in a band. i was happy for him he was able to fallow his dream. i had not realized i was staring until he snapped me out of my thoughts by saying
"Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Liza snap out if i know im hot" i playfully smak him and let him in
"hello Harry"

There is Two Sides to Every Story ll A One Direction Fanfiction ll
FanfictionI swear I didn't do it it was my other half I promise she takes over I swear I'm not crazy just let me explain please