Chapter 4

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  I lock the door behind me and hastily run to the little window. I glance around, though not sure why. They attempt to unlock the latch. 

 To my surprise it open. I hoist myself up and throw my legs through so that I'm sitting. Looking down it looks like a far fall. But this may be my only chance to leave. My only chance to ever see my family again. 

 A shiver runs through me and I find myself pushing myself out the window. I fall hard on my back and head. So I lay there trying to focus on making the world stop turning.

 I then realize 

 I jump up and take off as fast as I can. Due to the fall I'm kinda dizzy. But I run on. I know he'll find out soon and will be coming to look for me.

 I stumble on a few sharp rocks. Im already unbalanced, so i fall straight onto the sharp objects. I hiss out when the rock breaks the jeans I'm wearing and cuts into my knees.

 I try to stand, but the pain is too much so I just sit and wait. There's nothing around me. It's pitch black out here and I can't see a thing other than the faint outline of the house.

 I hear dogs barking somewhere in the distance from the direction that I've just came from. Panic sets in and I hiss out from standing. Hobbling forward I see a fence, but it's much too high to jump. Instead i walk along it, hoping to find an exit. 

The barking gets closer. I'm at a disadvantage and can't walk any faster. Dragging myself along I see an opening, but it looks as If it has a security attached to it just my luck.

 The dogs sound as if they are right behind me at this point. My heart is beating in my throat as a thin sheen of sweat saturates my shirt. During this time of year I regret not wearing a jacket. Shivering i have no more willpower to move any further so I crumple to the ground in defeat. The dogs make it to me and begin to bark and snap at me.

 I hear foot steps through all the chaotic barking. Instinctively my head bows like a child who has been caught doing something bad. Awaiting Justin's actual appearance I become anxious. Sobs rake through me as i hear him say in a stern dominant voice "heal". 

 Though tear ridden eyes, I see the front of his shoes appear in my vision "well hello there princess" he says in a low voice making me cry more. 

 "Why'd you try to run away from me, huh" he asks kneeling down in front of me. Tears fall down the bridge of my nose. When I don't answer he grasps my chin between his fingers, forcing my eyes to meet his "you're already in trouble princess don't make it worse for yourself, just answer me when I ask you a question" 

 I nod and his grip tightens making me whimper. "Answer me now Krista" his tone darkens. "I-I don't know" i repeat over and over as sobs continue to rake over my body.

 He does a sinister sounding chuckle as he stands. He reaches a hand out in front of me and I try to accept his help but I'm much too weak. He groans and curses under his breath. He bends down and picks me up, bridal style instead. 

 "Gamma....coal c'mon" he half yells. "Y'know princess you're in a lot of trouble" whispers in my ear. 

 After about a five minute walk I see the lights of the house in front of us. If I wasn't so afraid I would find being held in his arms comfortable.

 He kicked open the front door and closed it with his foot. The bright lights were harsh on my eyes, but that was the least of my worries. This house was built like a labyrinth. I could never keep track of where we were. Eventually after several turns down halls and doorways we reached his bathroom. The door was kicked in. No doubt from him trying to get to me only to find I wasn't there. 

 Setting me on the granite counter beside the sink I hissed out. Now that I was in the light i could look at my wounds. The jeans were soaked in my blood. He came in front of me looking into my red eyes. His face was cold and expressionless. But his. Eyes held my own as if searching for something. Before they looked away all together. 

 He turned the water in the sink on before speaking "okay now get down and take off your pants" My eyes probably popped out of my face. Take off my pants? 

He chuckled at my expression. "C'mon now love we don't have all night" he said, placing his hands on the waist of my jeans. Slowly his hands undid the button and zipper pulling them down until they got to my bum and he needed to get them past it. Being too motionless to take them off myself, I oblige and lift my hips off the counter. I wince when the materials of the jeans rub over my injury. He notices and apologizes quietly while continuing.

 I was scared. What was he planning? When he finishes pulling off my pants, he drops them on the floor and wastes no time to kneel down to get a better view of my injury. His breath fans out against my leg in warm puffs. I begin to shake violently. A wave of relief washes over me when I see him gathering things for my wounds. 

 He leaves for a split second and gets a washcloth and what looks like sweatpants. He dampens the washcloth and places the warm cloth on my split knees one at a time. Making me curse. He takes a cotton ball and some alcohol and then dabs it onto the exposed flesh. Being extra gentle with the wounds.

 After all the cleaning is done, he grabs a tube and gushes some clear yellowish gel onto a q-tip and coat the wounds with it. He places a large bandage on each knee before sighing.

 Now that I can actually look at him, he looks somewhat relieved in a way. His blonde hair is kind of disheveled but he owns it looking breathtaking. His chocolate eyes shift from the counter up to my eyes. 

He had a fiery look in his eyes. A look that made me shiver at an instant. He chuckled and moved my legs until he was standing between them. My breathing hitched in my throat as my heart hit against my rib-cage. His hand that was on the counter was now on my bare thigh more or less near my knee whilst other hand cupped my cheek. I was tense all over. I knew this was nothing more than a way to torture me. 

I couldn't find my voice to speak as his hand got higher and higher on my thigh until It was unbearably uncomfortable. I whimpered out quietly. The whole time his eyes never leaving my own. 

 I shook my head as tears began to weld up in my eyes. "P-please no please don't do this" i beg.

 He only laughed. "I'm not a rapist Krista" he explains "when that moment happens, you'll be begging me to do it" he says moving his face impossibly closer to me until they actually make contact with my neck. The feeling causes me to involuntarily relax. His lips ghosted from my ear to the curve where it met my shoulder in a deathly slow rate. Then they stopped midway before he kissed the skin, making me sigh out. Then I felt the suction of his mouth. Sucking harder and harder. A quiet, almost inaudible moan left my lips, then he stopped. And my eyes shot open.

 He pulled back to admire his work, I winced as his hand that was cupping my cheek ran over the bruise. He had a crooked smile that would've made me melt if the situation was different.

 I scowled at him as he tugs off the black hoodie he was wearing as well as stripping out of the rest of his clothes besides his boxers before tugging on the sweatpants. He bends over completely ignoring my gaze burning into his bare back.

 When he stands he hands me the shirt he had just taken off. I was confused but took the clothing when he answers my unasked question "you can sleep in that tonight" I nod and silently wait for him to turn around or something. 

When he doesn't I just sigh and slip the large shirt over my head and take off the stuff under it after. He only laughed "oh princess it's only a bit of time until i see you. But I can wait" Rolling my eyes he glares. "NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME AGAIN" he yells making me practically jump out of my skin "tonight your punishment wasn't so bad. But if you keep testing me, you'll regret it" he finishes I nod and stand there. 

"C'mon lets go to bed since you tried to escape you're sleeping with me we've got a big day tomorrow" he finishes climbing into the big bed. 

I follow suit and crawl in too, leaving a foot of space between us. 

He sighs and pulls me against him. "What are we doing tomorrow Justin?" i practically whisper making him groan "Krista go to sleep...but if you must know we're going to a meeting tomorrow now Goodnight love" he explains before kissing my cheek and snuggling up against me. 

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