Entry 1

7 1 0

Dear diary,
     Today I over heard me parents talking (arguing to be more exact) that we were moving. I don't want to move. I like this small quite town I live in. I just do t fell comfortable moving to the loud noisy New York City. I'm going to miss knowing when my friends are outside. Here you can literally hear a pin drop its so quite.  I hope we at least come back to visit. I mean I have at least 13 years worth of friends here. I'm really going to miss here when we do move. Im not sure why I worried we may not even move. Also today the teacher for our last project partnered me up with this annoying guy named Rob. The project is about what happened over that school year. Well until next time there's something interesting to talk about.

Dear Diary: Book One- Moving DayWhere stories live. Discover now