Train station.

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Today was the day. I was going to Hogwarts. I am actually going to be a witch. My alarm clock rang for 8:30am. I shot upward excited for the upcoming day. I turned off the clock and ran into the room my father sleeps in. I knocked as hard as I could.


He finally got up and opened the door.

"Good morning," he said tiredly.

I ran downstairs getting out cereal and milk for the two of us. After breakfast I changed into something good to wear. I grabbed all my books from my room and other school supplies downstairs on a large trunk. Lily followed me and my dad picked her up putting her in her crate. I went back upstairs for my wand that was laying promptly on my dresser.

"Where exactly are we going?" My father asked me.

"I would assume the train station to see if there is a Hogwarts station."

"Ok. grab your truck and we'll get moving. It's only a couple blocks we can walk."

My dad grabbed lily and my wand, accidentally waving it around. All our cabinets were flung open and all the plates were on the floor shattered. A look of shock spread on both our our faces. This is when he started to believe in wizardry. He set the wand down carefully looking at the huge mess he created.

"I don't suppose you know a spell that can clear this up....?" He looked at me worriedly.

"No. But I can find one in my books"

I found a spell and studied how to wave my wand specifically for it.

"Reparo!" Flicking my wand at the plates. To my surprise it worked!!! The plates were now put together. On the floor. I was jumping up and down.


my dad stood there shocked for a second time.

I decided to help my dad a little more and lift the plates and put them on the table. I looked further in the book.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I moved my wand and the plates were slightly lifting. They were really heavy so it took a lot for me to put them on the table. After I was done I was sweating bullets.

"That was extraordinary!!!" Is all my dad said.

We finally left and arrived at the train station at 10:30. I looked around. And didn't see anything for Hogwarts. But I saw a dozen of kids with trunks like mine. I walked over there with my dad pushing the trunk and talked to one of the kids.

"Umm.... excuse me...are you going to.... Hogwarts...?" I said whispering to a girl.

"Yes I am. This is platform 9 and 3/4. You must be a witch too!" She spoke. She was really pretty. Light brown messy hair. Nice brown eyes.

"Wonderful! I am Jasmine by the way."

"I'm Hermione. Nice to meet you"

My dad came behind me putting my trunk next to me so I can push it.

"Thank you dad"

"No problem. Is this the platform?"

"Yes it is. Oh! Dad this is Hermione. Hermione this is my father"

She smiled politely "hello!"

"Ok well I guess this is goodbye?" My dad said. His eyes getting a little glossy.

"I guess so dad. I'll see you in the summer!"

"Bye jazz." He said hugging me tightly.

"Bye daddy" I said hugging back.

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