Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I'd avoided the girls at school the previous day. I really wasn't in the mood to face them so I went straight to class after Seth drove me in, bypassing my locker and spent my lunch period in the library getting a head start on the weekend's homework.

Seth had asked me what was up and I just told him I was tired. He dropped it but I could tell he was concerned. Maybe after the weekend I would make time to talk to him about everything, at times like this is would be great to have an understanding shoulder to lean on.

Despite my annoyance at my friends insensitivity I was looking forward to seeing them today.

It had been decided that we would go to the party as a group. Apart from Tori if course who already be there, it was her house...Mansion, whatever!

After pressuring both her and Kehlani for information about the weekend's main event I had only managed to get this out of them.

One, look hot.

Two, look hot.

And three, we could all stay over if we wanted.

With this meagre information we had decided to get ready at Regina's' house. Her parents were away and it wasn't far from Tori and Kehlani.

On Saturday morning I awoke as my phone buzzed with a new text message. It was from Lauren offering to pick me up that afternoon and drive us over to Regina's. I showered, taking the time to make sure I was ready for what I hoped would be another night of mad monkey sex with Kehlani. I'm not going to tell you about what I dreamt about last night or we'll never get on with the story...Sorry! Yes, you lost me there again for a minute.

I heard Lauren's horn beep in the driveway. I was ready so grabbed my trusty duffel and was out the door before she'd managed to turn her car around. She reached over and popped the passenger door for me and I climbed in. She had both hands on the wheel and was looking straight through the wind shield. We sat in silence for a moment.

"DJ," she began. She turned to face me and put her hand on my bare leg just below my cut-off shorts. I jumped slightly at the contact and she made to remove her hand but I covered hers with mine and held it in place.

"I'm sorry," her tone was sincere and heartfelt, her eyes soft and full of genuine concern.

"After what you did for me last Saturday the least I could do is be there for you," she finished looking me in the eyes. I briefly met her gaze and shrugged.

"S'OK. I over reacted," I played with the cord on my duffel as I continued. "It's not like we'd talked about it," I finished, shrugging once more.

"I know," she sighed and squeezed my leg. "But it still wasn't right." I nodded and steeled myself for my next words.

"You need to tell Camila about what happened," I blurted out, glad to confront the elephant in the room.

"Not tonight." she said removing her hand and starting the car.

"Soon?" I questioned.

"Soon." she replied with a heavy sigh.

We drove the short distance in silence and I didn't even bother to put any music on. I wasn't in the mood.

As we pulled through the gates and up into Regina driveway I couldn't help but smile. Over the large double front doors a banner had been placed. It read 'We're sorry Dinah', all around the doorway were red and white balloons. Standing in the doorway I saw Regina and Zendaya waving madly at us. Regina looked like she was about to orbit she was leaping that high in her excitement

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