Chapter 2

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*Bri's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes to the bright rays of sunshine coming through the window. I heard birds chirping and heavy breathing that wasn't mine. I slowly sat up on the bed and looked to the floor seeing a sleeping Ross. Why is he asleep in here? I just laughed and tossed my pillow at his face. He groaned and turned to face the opposite direction. I stood up and grabbed my pillow that I threw and began hitting Ross repeatedly on the head.

"WAKE UP LAZY!" I shouted.

He just smirked and grabbed both of my legs, pulling them out from underneath me. Next thing I knew I was lying on the ground next to him. We both laughed at what had happened.

"So why are you camped out on the floor of my room?" I questioned.

"Rydel said you had something really important that you needed to tell me." He replied.

Dangit Rydel! I knew she would do this. I really didn't want to tell him. But what else was I going to say? Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I thought. Maybe he would just help comfort me. I mean we've never fought before so maybe he would be understanding. Okay, here goes nothing.

"Ross, if I tell have to promise me you won't tell anyone else. Only you and Rydel know. Okay? Pinky promise me."

He stuck out his pinky for me to grasp with my pinky.

"Landen isn't as nice I thought he was when we first met." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Tears stung my eyes as they started to form.

"Did you guys break up?" He questioned.

"No." I replied as I let the first tear fall.

"Then what's wrong? Bri, I'm here for you. You can tell me." he said while taking my hand. I pulled it back and lifted up the back of my shirt making the bruises visible.

All I heard was a gasp and when I turned around to face Ross his face was red with anger but his eyes said he was hurt.

"How long has this been happening?" He asked.

"A while."

"And all those bruises on your face and arms before..were they.."

"They weren't from skateboarding." I stated before he could finish.

"Bri how could you!? You lied to me!" He began raising his voice.

"Ross please don't."

"We're supposed to be best friends Bri! I tell you everything and you're supposed to do the same! Do you not trust me?"

"Ross it's not that I just-"

"Save it Bri. Maybe our whole friendship was just a big mistake."

"You don't mean that." I replied tears falling down my cheeks.

"Just go Bri."

"But Ross-"

"I SAID GO AUBRIANNA!" he yelled.

I jumped back when he shouted at me. He never used my full first name. It reminded me of Landen when he started to get mad. I don't need another abusive person like that in my life. I ran out of the room and into Rydel's to grab my stuff. I packed everything and began making my way downstairs. Rydel saw me coming down the stairs with tear stained cheeks.

"Bri what happened."

"I don't think I'll be back here for a while Ry. I'm sorry" I hugged her.

I got in my car and pulled out my phone to text Landen.

Me: Can I come over?

About two minutes later my phone buzzed while I was driving.

Landen: Sure babe

About fifteen minutes later I pulled into Landen's driveway. Little did I know what was in store for me that day.

*Rydel's POV*

I angrily stormed upstairs to Ross's bedroom. I didn't even bother to knock. I rushed in his room and pulled the headphones off of his ears.

"What the hell did you do Ross?"

"She hid it from me Rydel! She lied to me!"

"What did you tell her?"

He just shrunk down like he was upset about what he did.

"ROSS!" I shouted.

"I told her our friendship was done and yelled at her to get her to leave." He replied quietly.

"Ross how could you!? She already gets yelled at and abused by Landen! You should be helping her right now! Not pushing her away!"

"I know okay? What I did was wrong but how do I fix it? What if she's afraid of me now?"

"You should have thought before you spoke Ross." I stated while walking out of the room.

*Ross's POV*

What did I do? I feel absolutely horrible. What if I just lost my best friend? What if she never talks to me again? I can't lose her. I quickly pull out my phone and text Bri.

Me: Bri can we talk tonight? Please give me a chance to explain.

About fifteen minutes later she finally replied.

Bri: I guess. I'm with Landen right now but I'll text you when I get home around 6.

Author's Note

Sorry this is a shorter chapter. Let me know what you think! Comment, vote, or message me!

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