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◇ Hyunsik◇

I've been walking around our dorm since 1am waiting for Sungjae to return from his mission, he was suppose to be here over 3 hours ago. It's 4am at the moment and there's no sign of him, I'm sweating as I wait. Thinking I won't see him again. I told myself if he comes back to me after this mission then I'll tell him how I feel. I couldn't go with him due to our last mission I had stopped a bullet hitting Sungjae but it had gotten me in the shoulder. I'll be going on the next mission once Sungjae or if Sungjae returns.


It was hard to see, one of our own had let off a granade without telling us so most of blinded. I looked down on my belt for my glasses, I found them and placed them on. I turn them on by pressing the small button on the right side, I could now see clearly and I could see most of my team had done the same thing.

"Bobby! Why didn't you warn us you fucking idiot!" Yelled Kangin in our ear pieces. I rolled my eyes before locating an enemy who was blindly aimed their gun at Bobby.

I picked up my sniper and laid down under a jeep, I locked my target before on before pulling the trigger shooting the enemy right in the head. I could see Bobby in shock on how close he was to death. I rolled out from under the jeep to see a massive tank.

"Yah! Kangin, there's a tank coming up! What do we do." I yelled into my ear piece. All you could near was guns being fired and granades going off.

"Okay team B keep shooting at the enemy while team A goes towards the tank from the sides and sticks C4 onto the tank then take cover, team C will help you get there and once all teams are cleared then team C will shoot at the C4 to let it off!" Commanded Kangin.

"Ne!" We all shouted before taking positions, our glasses shows a green circle to intercate it's one of us while red is the enemy.

Half of them A heads towards one side of the tank while the half goes to the other side. Team B shooting down the enemy while team C helps us by shooting thoses who aim at us. I had placed my sniper onto my back while holding my hand gun in my right hand.

"Okay get read B!" Kangin ordered. I take out my small amount of C4 before sticking some on the revolving wheel on the tank before shooting a couple of enemies as I head for cover.

"All clear!" All teams shouted before team C shot the C4 on the tank with their snipers and guns. The tank explodes blasting those who were in the same path.

"Clear out towards 86 and take down Mr Kim!" We were ordered.

Bobby, I.M, Rocky, Youngbin and I all walked side by side as we head to take out Mr Kim. Half of each team stayed outside while the other went in, Mr Kim was the boss of the second biggest gang  here in Seoul. What was left of his men started shoot. They manage to shoot 3 of us before they were shot dead.

"Ah so you-," was all Mr Kim got to say before Youngbin and I shot him in the head. "Mr Kim is dead Kangin." Youngbin and I yelled. I felt a pain in my arm and realized I was shot by Bobby who laid dead after Youngbin shot him.

Youngbin and Rocky helped me out as I cover my bleeding wound. Kangin looked at me in a question before Kangin called the helicopters. Each helicopter had A,B,C on the side for each team. Our meds came rushing out of each copter to help the injured, I was lead into copter B for treatment, waiting till I can see my Hyunsik.


I don't know how many coffees and energy drinks I've had. I've been praying while I waited, it's past 4am and I feel like crying. I hear the beeping of my intercom. "Lim Hyunsik, please come to the medical ferm." It cut off, I jumped to my feet and rushed towards the door. I quickly put my combat boots on before rushing down the halls of the dorm. I wore a simple black v-neck and sweats. I dip my head in respect to the higher commands as I get closer to the medical ferm.

I took a quick breath before entering. I could see nurses helping the injured, I walk to the front desk where Victoria sat. " Hyunsik, Sungjae is resting in the bed you were in last time." I thanked her before making my way to the back of the ferm where Su gjae was waiting for me.

I knocked on the door before entering, Sungjae aas watching TV and his right arm patched up in a sling. "Sungjae-ah thank god your okay!" I went over to him, his dark brown eyes on me.

"Hyunsik! I'm fine! Youngbin hyung and I took out Mr Kim! But then Bobby shot me. He's dead now." He laughed, I sighed before carefully hugging the younger.

"I was so worried Sungjae! I- I have something to tell you," I stared into Sungjae's eyes before speaking.

"I am in love with you Yook Sungjae, if you had died today then I wouldn't know what to do," I confessed as I held his left hand in both of mine.

"Hyunsik I- I love you too! But we have to keep this a secret, remember Taekwoon and Hakyeon? They were kicked out amd now they run the biggest gang in Seoul! I don't want to end up like our old friends!" Sungjae confesses. I lean down and solftly kissed the youngers lips.

"Sungjae fighting!" I cheered. "Hyunsik fighting!" Sungjae cheered as well.

Wow that took a couple of hours to write! If you enjoyed this chapter then Vote, Comment and Follow if you want! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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