Chapter 01

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Reader Participation: Looking for you're help in coming up with future titles for some of my fictional book titles. Only requirements would be that they are SUGGESTIVE in nature. Can be puns or even play on words. The funnier the better. Just put it in the comment box. Thanks.

Have you ever been in a place where you could swear every eye there was staring at you with unguarded prejudice? No, I'm not talking about some unfamiliar gathering where you're suppose to show up at, like how you felt the first day at a new school when you walked in not knowing you were wearing your shirt inside out.

No, this intense paranoid feeling I had runs deeper and heavier than any awkward or embarrassing moment one might randomly experience in their life time. This feeling... this heavy- suffocating feeling was like you wore your guilt on your face in red and crimson striations and everyone could see it. It was a loud glaringly thing dangling with its own purpose to rattle your soul in its cage.

And that feeling was immensely robbing me of oxygen.

Despite that, obviously my curiosity still out weighted the chances of discovery. Even here in this public place, where books lined the shelves in different sizes, shapes, and genre, intrigue was a naughty temptress. I had to know... had to see it for myself if what blogs and online reading sites were saying was true. That Geoff Scoffs newest book release had made it to the New York Times Best Sellers list in a matter of weeks.

I could hardly believe the rumors until its popularity reached my ears. Disbelieving, I stole what time I did not have to give and came here to the local book store to see for myself. To put to rest that excitement and fear that it could actually be true.

Adrain... Ilona Andrews... Bennett... Addison Cain... I looked up and scanned the isle I was in and the few beyond that, reassuring myself that I had privacy. Clayton... Cole, Kresley. Now she was a great writer. Her latest series had me anxiously waiting for the next book in the series to be released. I even have an Arcana Chronicle countdown widget on my iPad. Ah, the joys of living vicariously through others creative imagination...

And another quick glance up. Still safe.

Connor Eden... loved it. Laurann Dohner... still nothing on a possible fourth book in 'The Mating Heat' series. Jordan Fox, Kit Selena... that naughty little minx. Eve Langlais, I wonder what living in her house growing up would have been like. Jay Merson... Janet Mullany... and Madeline Pryce. What I wouldn't give to meet that author. Her book "Dark Cravings," hmm... sizzle.

'"Can I help you?" I jerked in surprise.

Barely giving the store assistant a glance, mainly to hide my deepening embarrassment, I hurriedly spit out, "Just looking." And as if the man standing there hadn't heard me, I swear he lingered around longer just to assess if was about to pilfer one of the books into my purse without paying for it.

With a frustrated sighed I look up and give him my most annoyed look. Apparently the message was received because he instantly lifted his chin up, turned around, and practically pranced off.

Returning my focus back to the line of books, I continue my search. Susan Wright... I had a personal love/hate going on for that author. A self published and- Wait! Wright? Damn it all. I lost my freaking place. Where the hell was I?

Oh right, here. Right at the R's. Roche, Kit. I heard that actually was a duel effort. Still a good dystopia series. Ross-

"Can I help you with anything?" For the love of everything holy. Is there like a quota on how many people they could ask that one question to? This time, a girl maybe a year or two older then I, smiled down at me with wild eyes and a bounce in her step.

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