Background Affair

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Made for byzenyo ~ hope you like it boi <3

> POV Zelo <

I looked at my watch. 1:50 AM, and I wasn't tired enough to sleep. So I left the dorm and went to our practise room. I was surprised when I found the lights being on and even more, when I saw the sleeping, blue haired figure of someone on the couch. I stepped closer and it turned out to be our new background dancer. He joined us yesterday, I didn't talk to him yet, but I knew he was older than me. What was his name again? Jihyun? Jaehyun? I think it was Jaehyun. Carefully, I started shaking him.

"Hey, wake up Jaehyun hyung~"

It took a few moments, then he yawned and opened his eyes. "What... Oh... Hi..." he murmured and sat up on the sofa.

"What are you doing here in the middle of he night? Shouldn't you be in your room to sleep?"

He yawned again and shook his head. "I- I practised and fell asleep while resting a bit... I should really go to bed..." He closed his eyes again, right in the moment when the door opened.

"Jay are you still- Oh, hi Zelo." Jumin smiled at me. He was another dancer and with us for two years now. "I just wanted to check on Jaehyun. I expected him falling asleep here, looks like I was right. Would you help me bringing him to his room? I don't wanna wake him up again."

I nodded and we started carrying him to his room carefully, where we laid him down on the bed. Right then, a weird noise came from one of the other rooms and Jumin jumped."Oh shit, my ramen! I have to go there, please make him lie comfortable and remove his jeans, he hates sleeping with them okay?"

"S- sure" I stuttered and he ran out of the room. Okay, so.... I'd take his jeans off... Suddenly I was getting slightly nervous. It's not everyday that you have to remove another boy's clothes. Slowly I opened the button and pulled them down his legs. I just finished, when I accidentally looked at his crotch. Shit. Why must he be wearing such tight boxers? I could see everything through that... 'What the hell Zelo why are you looking at another guy's dick...' I thought and quickly draped the blanked over him. I made sure he was completely covered so he wouldn't get cold, then I left the room. I found Jumin in the small kitchen where he tried to clean something from the cooking place.

"Oh, you're finished. Good. Sorry you had to do this, it won't happen again." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright? You look like a cherrytomato."

"Uh... This... Um... I- I'm okay!" I felt my face getting even hotter when he mentioned it.

Jumin grinned. "Okay. So you're going to sleep now?"

"I... Actually I wanted to practise but... Yeah sleeping... I should sleep. Good night." I said and left.


"Guys, can you show me the chorus part again? I think i'm doing it wrong but I don't know where exactly." Jaehyun asked when he was practising his moves with me and Jongup on the next day.

"Of course. Show me how you dance it and I'll tell you what's wrong." Jongup said, but then his phone rang. "Ah, sorry guys this is important. Zelo, please do that for me." He said and left the room to answer the call.

I turned on the music and nodded to Jaehyun to tell him he should start dancing. So he did.
I tried to concentrate if his moves were right, but somehow I found myself staring at him. Better, at his ass. 'Damn, how can he have such a nice-' I interrupted my thought and slapped me mentally. Then I recognized how he stopped the music and looked at me.

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