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The stars sparkled in the night, casting a weak light over the blanket of darkness draped against the sky. They were brighter then usual, drawing a tortoiseshell she cat out of her den.  She gazed at the stars, deep in thought.  She was so lost in the stars that she scarcely noticed the blue- gray she cat approach her.

"Has StarClan spoken to you?" The blue- gray she cat mewed, sitting next to the tortoiseshell.  The tortoiseshell looked up to meet her blue eyes.

      "No.  They have been unusually silent," she answered, her amber eyes filled with concern.  The blue- gray she cat sighed, gazing intently at the stars.

Suddenly, lightning broke the sky, causing the entire forest to light up. The she- cats gasped as the chaos ensued. The stars disappeared into the darkness, and the lightning ceased. The tortoiseshell sighed in relief. The stars slowly reappeared, lighting up the sky once more.

"That had to be a sign from StarClan," the blue- gray she- cat breathed, "there wasn't even thunder, this couldn't have been a normal storm."

"Night alone will save the clan," the tortoiseshell murmured. The blue- gray she- cat tilted her head in confusion.

"Spottedleaf... What does it mean?" She asked, her fur ruffled. Spottedleaf sighed once again,

"Bluestar, I don't know," she confessed.  Bluestar shifted her paws.  StarClan's messages were never clear, but this one was mind blowing.  What could possibly pose such a threat to ThunderClan that StarClan would warn them about it?  And how could night save them? Darkness never brought anyone safety.

"Well surely being saved can't be bad?" Spottedleaf suggested hopefully. Bluestar simply nodded. But what do we have to be saved from?

I'm bad at prologues lol. This is just a little thing I started working on for fun. I'm not sure whether this is good or cringey. #pleasedontjudgeme

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