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Littlefinger's brothel. One of the most well-known places in the entire city of King's Landing and the preferred spot of Lord Tyrion Lannister. While Tyrion had no love for Littlefinger, he couldn't deny the man knew how to run a business and the brothel was no exception. Tyrion frequented there often. After all, not many women would lay with a dwarf but a whore would lay with anyone so long as they were paid. 

It was no secret that Tyrion had married a whore once. Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knew it. They also knew that his father made the woman disappear. Then of course, there was Shae. She had betrayed him. Made him believe he loved her and then swept the rug out from under him. After that, Tyrion never thought he'd love again or that anyone would fall for him. Then, he met her. Lyra.


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