The new tetsuya!!!!

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(Author's notes)



"Tetsuya's sadistic side speaking"

'Tetsuya's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"
"thinking in foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//
time skips / scene changes

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Kuroko no basket nor do I own the characters

Last time
both teams stood and bowed to each other and tetsuya said something everyone heard due to it being so quiet due to the tension "let the game begin....seijuro hahaha"



'wh-what is wrong with tetsuya why did he suddenly get so different ' I thought

GOM and seirin'S POV

'that can't be tetsu-kun/kuroko/tetsuya he is to polite to use anyone's first name' we thought.


no one could believe that the man stood in front of them was the blue haired boy they once called teammate. the boy they knew (or thought they knew) was a kind short, polite forgiving person, that wasn't scary in the slightest other then his low presence. but the person that stood infront of seijuro was the complete opposite he was very intimidating, looked very pissed off, was about as tall as shintaro and has a very strong person that if it was anyone other then seijuro facing him they would have pissed themselves due to being so afraid ( even ahomine) but one thing that was distinct about the man before them all was that his eyes were cold and calculating that held the look of an animal viewing it's prey. The smirk settled on his face only increased when he saw the glint of fear in the red-haired mans eyes.

"tetsuya is that really you. you've changed...... a lot" seijuro asked

" noooooo ( notice the sarcasm) I am a figment of your imagination of course it's me you idiotic incompetent little shit can't you even tell that the person before your eyes is the same person that you treated like shit 2 years ago....... you're pathetic and a waste of my time" tetsuya said before smirking up at the other generation of miracles and seirin before walking over to get into position for the match to begin.

everyone that knew the old tetsuya was shocked to actually hear emotion in the bluenette's voice let alone sarcasm but the fact that he insulted seijuro really took the cake. but the worse affected one was seijuro he was just staring at the spot where tetsuya was stood before he felt a hand touch his shoulder.









he turned around to see the bluish-gray haired old man that started off this tournament he said "is there something you need sir" the older man looed at the red- haired boy in pity and said "don't take what tetsuya said to seriously he hasn't been the same since what happened 2 years ago he's changed and his attitude has become how he acted around us to all the time. the tetsuya that you knew was fake he hid all his emotions for a possibility of being discarded but even though he did that he still felt a lot of pain before you guys kicked him out he actually considered you general friends and was going to let you get to the real him but now I believe he is out to defeat all of you and prove that he isn't what you all said he was" the man finished and saw that seijuro had a look of curiosity "si-"he was cut off.

to the stands

" hey what is the director of the tournament doing hear let alone talkin to akashicchi" kise asked before they heared "oi little brother do beat them and make it entertaining I'm bored" a blue haired man that looked in his early 20's shouted. Taiga and tatsuya who had this explained exactly what the older blue haired man had shouted and looked at tetsuya who sighed and sweat dropped at the man's reaction before laughing dryly and nodding in the direction of the man in the stands.

back to the court with tetsuya's team

erza looked over at the rakuzan captain and saw the director of the tournament talking with him so decided to inform tetsuya. she nudged him and said "tetsuya- san look" so he did and saw for himself and sighed before walking over to them gave the man a pointed look which caused the man to look down and mumble a "sorry tetsu-kun" before grabbing the man by the ear and dragging him over to the bench leaving every team in shock that he actually got away with doing that to the director.

 all of the teams in the stands watched in shock when they saw the director giving him a clip around the head and start laughing they then heard tetsuya say "ow did you have to hit me so hard".

"oh I don't know did you have to grab my ear so hard" the man said

"touché but it was either me or mum who would you have preferred hmm" tetsuya said eyes glistening in amusement.

" good point but I thought it would be a good idea to help your opponent after all you wouldn't want to win that way would you tetsu-kun" the man said as the others watched the man sit down next to tetsuya's mum and put a hand around her shoulder.

"true but anyway don't you think we should start the match tou-san" tetsuya said as he nodded to the team to get into position. again all the teams where left in shock to learn the director was actually tetsuya's father but were also focusing on what he said about the match being an easy win before nodding to the referee to start the match so all of rakuzan and akuma high got into positions and waited for the ref to blow the whistled to start the game.

"this is the final match between Rakuzan and Akuma high now HAJIME"
















till next time sorry for the long time between the updates but it will also be a lot of time before the next one.

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