Ch.2 (Jay, Burt and Megan)

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Megan's pov
I ran into our friend Burt. He helped us out. We kept running till we had to stop. The military just kidnapped one of my new friends. I ran as fast as I could. "MEGAN NO!!" Jay yelled. I kept running no one was there anymore. I started to cry they try to confer me.

One week later
The military knocked on our door. We looked over and he saw us. "Group up!" He said. I thought he was going to kill me. I stood in fright and seen Burt (who was sleeping in Jay's room) stood frozen also. The military seen Jay and Jay attacked him. The man fell to the ground and I looked in shock. The next man he attacked knocked him out and I was crying more and more. I felt it down my face. Soon a hear a bat hitting someone. Probably Burt and then Darkness. I woke up with a person shaking me. I soon got up and I looked a her. I seen monkey ears and tail and around what looks like a cell was monkey bars, airplanes, 3 beds and a table. "Hey." I say. "Hi! I'm Gracie! I'm a monkey hybrid as you can tell. I felt so lonely for a while. I was here for 5 years. I'm 13!"She said. I was so surprised at how fast she spoke. "I'm Megan and I'm 8." I say. She looked at me. I probably look 7. "Ok!" She said. Soon the door opened. Gracie rushed through the door and I see a meeting area or a living room. I looked and seen my brother Jay, Burt my best friend and ZACH!! He was here! "ZACH!!!" I literally screamed. I knew he didn't die! "Hey Megan..." he said. I looked at him. He had black fox ears and a black fox tail with dark grey at the end. "What happened to you." I asked. "Experiments. That happened to everyone else here." He said. I looked around, 2 unicorn hybrids also was there talking to a snow leopard hybrid. The unicorn two looked like sisters. I smiled and that smile didn't last long. A person came in and I frowned. He took Jay off the ground. A few minutes later I heard screaming. Jay's screaming.

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