Chapter 6

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Dad drove to a small restaurant a couple of minutes from our house and we all go out of the car and went in the front door. Once inside, the waiter led us to a table and even pulled my chair out for me. I blushed and gave him a silent thanks. He was attractive, I guess, with his blonde hair and blue eyes and a kind smile that would make any girl fall for him. Any girl that's not me. I like Jam-

James. I like James. 

Of course you like James, you idiot.

I smiled softly. I couldn't wait to tell him.

"What's got you all smiley, Abby?" Nick questioned.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing really...just thinking about...something." I muttered softly, looking down.

"I'm sure every guy in this place, including me, wishes it was them you were thinking about." The waiter said quietly.

I looked up at him, shock evident on my face.

 "Excuse me?" I felt my cheeks redden.

"I'm sure you already know this but you're easily the most gorgeous girl in this-"

"Alright son, why don't you stop hitting on my daughter and take our order before I drive home and get my shot gun." My dad suggested angrily.

I looked at my dad, stunned.

"Dad! That's rude." I muttered.

"I don't care if it's rude. I don't want some kid hitting on my only daughter." He all but growled.


"No, dad's right, Abby. We don't-"

I interrupted Nick before he could keep talking, "Can you both just stop? I haven't seen Nick in God knows how long and we haven't had dinner as a family in even longer so can you both stop being over protective dogs so we can enjoy this night?!"

Both Nick and Dad looked down, not wanting to meet my angry gaze.

"Now, apologize to this poor guy." I continued.

They were both about to protest but I didn't give them a chance. "Apologize now or I'm walking home and you both know I'll do it."

Both of them gave an almost silent "Sorry." and the poor waiter was frozen with fear from all our outbursts.

"Thank you. So to start off, I'd like a sweet tea." I said to the waiter.

Where is this burst of confidence coming from? 

The next two days went by pretty fast with Nick and Dad both treating me to shopping trips and let me tell you, I don't know how girls do it all the time because after a couple of stores I was exhausted.

Which brings me to the food court of our local mall.

"Nick, please. Can we stop buying me a bunch of crap I don't need so I can eat something? I'm starving!" I all but yelled.

Nick laughed, "Alright! Alright! What would her highness like to eat?"

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm but answered anyway, ""

"Really? Pizza? Again, sis? We had that yesterday...and the day before that!" Nick complained.

I smiled, "How about spaghetti? At that little Italian restaurant mom used to love?"

Nick gave me a sad smile, "I'd love to sis. As soon as I get done kicking Mason's ass for thinking he can walk up to us after what he did to you." He was glaring at something behind me and when I turned around, I saw Mason walking towards us with a huge smile on his face.

"Nick! How's college, man?" Mason held his hand out for Nick to shake who just stared at it with a blank look on his face.

"It's fine, thanks. Now if you'll excuse us, we were leaving." Nick said coldly and started walking away, dragging me with him. Mason's face was almost priceless. He always looked up to Nick as an older brother when we were younger because Mason doesn't have any siblings. For Nick to be acting towards him in this way must really hurt.

Well now you how it feels. Dick.

"Woah, Nick! What's wrong, buddy?" Mason asked when he finally caught up to us.

Nick turned around harshly, putting me behind him.

"What's wrong? How about finding out that you left my little sister completely alone to deal with my dad after I specifically told you that I needed you to stay with her because you were the only person who could keep her sane when I wasn't there. You told me you'd take care of her, Mason. What happened to that promise you made me? You said you'd never dream of letting her get hurt if you could help it. What happened to that, buddy?" Nick pretty much just exploded and I needed to get him out of here before he killed Mason.

"Nick, I think we should go now." I whispered, pulling on his hand. "Come on. He's not worth it." I added when he wouldn't budge.

"I-I tried...but-"

"But you cared about getting your dick wet  more. Fuck you, Mason. Stay away from my sister." Nick all but growled.

"Don't worry, he's pretty good at staying away." I whispered quietly before Nick finally dragged us away, leaving Mason with a broken look on his face. I almost felt bad. Almost.

"I'm sorry about that, Abby." Nick muttered once we got to the car.

"It's fine," I smiled. "Let's just go to the restaurant and have some food. I'm starving!" I patted my tummy for effect. Nick laughed and drove to the restaurant.


I can't believe that just happened. I failed them both. Abby as my best friend and Nick as an older brother. God, why am I so stupid? Why did I think that turning the whole school against Abby would work? I thought they'd just stay away from her...not bully her.

And what those guys would say about her...fuck, I wanted to beat them down. Especially when she showed up in those new clothes!

"Who knew little Abby had an ass under those sweats?" Mark had commented, then tried getting her to sit next to him.

"This is why they tell us not to judge a book by its cover boys!" David joked, making everyone chuckle and agree with him.

"Damn, she was hiding a nice pair of-" I punched Jack before he could finish.

"Hey man! What's your problem?" Jack muttered, rubbing the his stomach where I punched him.

"I bet she'd be a good fuck. Nice, long hair to pull on." John laughed, making motions to show how he'd pull on her hair while pelvic thrusting in the air.

"I just wanna hear her screaming my name with her legs wrapped around me and see that pretty face in ecstasy."

"What I'd like to see is those pretty lips wrapped around-"

I stormed out, being physically unable to hear the rest.

Sweet, innocent, little Abby. She didn't deserve any of it. It's all my fault. I was going to fix it. To prove to Nick that he can still trust me. To prove to myself that I'm not a fuck up.

But most importantly to show Abby I'm still her best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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