Chapter 6

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A/n: Sorry I haven't posted for those of you who actually like this story. I've been very busy and I hope this makes up for it. Merry Christmas! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Scott's pov
I woke to the sound of light snoring. I try to turn and I can't because my wife is on my chest. My wife. My wife. I have a wife. Malia is my wife now. All of this is just now registering in my brain and I am ecstatic. I can't help the smile the crosses my face when I look at her snuggled up against me. Last night was amazing, she was amazing. I look at the clock it's 8am and figure I could use a run. So I get up brush my teeth change and I'm out the door.

Malia pov
I wake up to sun shining in my eyes. 'God I hate these curtains.' I groaned and stretched. I try and feel for Scott but I'm greeted with cold bed sheets. 'Must have gone out for a while.' I think. 'Well time to get up.' After about ten minutes of debating if I really want to get up, I get up and head to the bathroom. When I'm done in the shower I look at the clock and see that it's 8:30 and head to the kitchen to get started on breakfast because Scott is always hungry after he runs. I finished breakfast as he was walking in.

Scott's pov
As I'm on my way out of the hotel I run into Derek. "Hey Derek." I say casually. He nods. "You going for a run too." "Yeah I had to get out of there." "What's the matter, is it Braeden?" I say as we start running. He shakes his head yes. "Yeah she's Ben really sick lately. She can't even look at food without vomiting." "Wow, have you talked to deaton about it?" "I want too but she doesn't want to see deaton or any other doctor for that matter. She is so stubborn, but I'll talk to her." "Okay." "So what about you how does it feel being married?" He asked smirking. "I feel great. I mean we've always been connected but being married just makes it real, ya know?" "Yeah I get it." He says with a smile. We finish our 10 mile run in record time, say our goodbyes, and minutes later I'm back at the hotel room.

Malia pov
"Hey love." I say cheerfully. He comes over and hugs me. "Hey baby. What are you doing?" He looks at me confused. "Cooking. What does it look like. I say rolling my eyes. "You cook?" "Well yeah, I had to learn since my dad was always gone and my mom well, you know." "Hey, I was just asking because I've never seen you cook before. I didn't mean to upset you." he says hugging me close. "It's okay, I actually enjoy cooking. It takes my mind off of things." He kisses me deeply and we stay that way until we had to breathe again. "Well looks like I take your mind off of things too because your eggs are burning." And that's when the smell hit my nose. "Oh shit!" Scott started laughing so hard he had tears coming from his eyes. Malia on the other hand was fuming. "I hate you so much!" "Yeah I love you too."

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