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Got any plans on this fine Friday night?
*doubts it*

Actually i do

Oh really and what are those?

To watch gore movies all day

Geez zombabe you need a life 😩
Like for instance a life with me 😏

No thanks I'll just stick to my gore movies
The sound of you calling me zombabe actually doesn't sound so bad anymore
It makes me not want to vomit now

Now let me ask you a question


How come you avoid me at school every time I try coming up to you

I don't

You are such a liar
So you what would you call darting into the girls bathroom the second you see me coming your way

I really had to pee

All week
At the exact same time
At the exact same moment that you see me


Am I that scary

You are not scary

Then how come you only text me

Because it keeps me from seeing your hideous face

Maybe I should call you a jokester instead of zombabe
Since you think I'm joking

What would your friends think if they saw you talking to the weird girl that can't shut up about zombies or anything like that
The girl who isn't afraid to post her body online because I see my body more than just a sexual object
What would you say then?

I would say fuck them because they don't control who I talk to
Do I look like a give a rats ass about what other people think? Because i'd hope that i don't
Although your body is very beautiful, I certainly think you're more then just some "sexual object"
This is what happens when our type of people go to a school with a bunch of normies

What could you possibly know about "my people"

You think that just because I play football that I'm not into metal? Or that I couldn't POSSIBLY be into anything outside the normie persona?
You'd be wrong at that zombabe

I didn't mean to start a whole personality/clique war with you

Actually I'm the one who started it
But it's alright
Now we're even closer :)

You're crazy you know that right?

Only the craziest 🤑

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