Unplanned Date

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I've been sitting here alone for 30 minutes already. There's a part of me that knows he's not going to show up, but I still hold on to the little piece of hope that's diminishing away. 

It's supposed to be our 5 month anniversary date at a local fancy resteraunt. My boyfriend may be a douche, but I still really care about him, and I know he cares about me too. 

 I feel so awkward just sitting here alone at a two person table like this. The waitress has already asked me twice if I'm ready to order, and don't get me wrong she was very nice about it, but I keep asking for more time  out of respect for my boyfriend. I keep looking down at my phone, watching the time pass, hoping he will be here soon, and every time those glass doors open, I look up to see if it's him and I get disappointed all over again. 

Text messages: 

Me: hey babe are you almost here? 

Cody: yep

Me: okay hurry please. it's very awkward sitting here alone lol

He left me on "read" after that text. 

People are starting to look at me, and it doesn't help that my table is pretty much right in the center of the resteraunt. I can see the apologetic looks in their eyes. It's like they know what is going on and they don't know what to do for me.

When the waitress comes back I order another glass of water, and then I check the time on my phone. 7:48. It's been over an hour already. I text Cody again, hoping he will reply and tell me that he's almost here. 

Me: hey where are you? 

I wait impatiently for a text back, tapping my thumb nail quickly on the screen of the phone in my hand, but it never comes. I've waited patiently for him to show for over an hour, and I'm starting to get angry. I've hoped and hoped and hoped that he would walk through those glass doors, but that's the thing about hope- after you start to lose it, it's all downhill from there, and you'll never be able to climb back up that hill. 

Screw it. I'm leaving. If he can't bother to show up, why should I bother to stay?  I think to myself. 

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I blink them away as soon as they form. I grab my purse, set a few dollars on the table, and I start getting up to leave. 

As I start standing up, I hear an unfamiliar voice explain loudly, "sorry I'm so late babe, traffic is crazy right now." 

I look up and see the most handsome guy I've ever laid my eyes on. I fall into some sort of trance as I get lost in his big brown eyes. I must look like a complete idiot right now staring at this boy. 

"I'm Dylan. Just go with it. Whoever didn't bother to show up is a real dick," he adds quietly, giving me a quick wink. 

I flash him a smile and say quietly to him, "Thanks. I'm y/n." 

"Well y/n, you're a beautiful girl and I have no idea why anyone would stand you up." Dylan says.    

I blush and quickly look down at the table embarrassed. 

"Shall we order?" He says, giving me a light smile. Aw man his voice is so soothing. Everything about him so far is incredible- his dark, fluffy brown hair, his tanned skin with moles spotting his neck, his perfectly plumped lips. 


"I would, really, and thank you for saving me like that, but it doesn't feel right to have dinner with a stranger while I'm waiting for my boyfriend to show up," I say quietly, not wanting to look at his face. God that face though. I can't get over how hot Dylan is. 

"Listen y/n. I'm guessing you've been waiting for a long time now. And I'm also guessing your boyfriend, who is a complete douche by the way, isn't coming," he says, "You can do whatever you want, but if you leave, please tell your boyfriend how he made you feel. He doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you." Dylan says with pleading eyes. 

"Fine I'll stay here with you...but don't try anything" I say with a smirk. 


As Dylan and I are leaving the resteraunt, I think about the amazing time I had with him tonight. He was so sweet by saving me like that. We start walking down the sidewalk slowly, and I look up at the beautiful scene of the summer night sky above me. 

"So y/n, I've been thinking," Dylan starts to say. 

"Uh oh" I say with a giggle. 

"No seriously" he says with a laugh, "I had a great time on this unplanned date with you tonight, and I was wondering if you would want to go on an actual planned date with me sometime?" 

I stop and look at him in the eyes, the shock clearly showing on my face. 

"Unless you don't want to?" Dylan says raising his eyebrows. 

"No, no of course I want to! I'm just shocked, that's all," I reply back. He gives me a huge, warm smile showing his perfectly white teeth, and I can't help smiling back. 

"Good. Because if you would've said no I probably would've cried." Dylan says with a laugh. He takes my hand, intertwining our fingers, and we continue down the path. Best. Night. Ever. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! It was my very first imagine, so it might not be that great lol.  Stay tuned for more stories! *this was inspired by tumblr*

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