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30 minutes later

After bringing everybody home stiles went to deaton's place,said man was waiting pasiently on one of the launge chairs,yes stiles was in allen's home and not at the vet's.

"So?...what can you tell me?"stiles asked the man who stood and mentiond for the young teen to follow him,stiles did and was lead to a small back room where stacks of books were laying around,making heaps.
But one thing caught stiles's atention...a board almost similair to his own hung on the back wall of the small badly aluminated room.

"That's all i know and found out about the docters and my friends..."deaton startled stiles,the teen had not expected him to talk just jet...maby even let him figure it out on his own.

"ALL of this?"stiles said as he weaved his hands as if presenting the entire room.
Deaton knoded and as soon as he did stiles took off twords the board,examening every little thing.

He noticed pages that seemed to be ripped out of books.

"What are these out of?...."stiles asked the vet as he traild his fingers over the pages,
While examening them closely.

"Beastiary's and valack's studies.....Gabriel
Changed most out of all of us..he became a puppet...he started experimenting on the supernatural....he tought if he drilled a whole in there head it would enhance there power like it did for him...many died on his table....that's why they put him in eichen house...."deaton explained,from the corner of his eye he saw stiles flinch as the name was said.

"God....i hate that place..."stiles whisperd under his breath,seeing flashes of the nougitsune and oni....of allison....

"Yeah me to....that's where they abducted me and later your mom...we were 3 young scientists....working in echo house might be one of the things i regret the most."
Deaton said,pulling stiles back to reality.

"What was she like?"the young teen asked out of nowhere,allen's look softend visibly as he smiled at stiles.

"She was kind of a pain in the ass sometimes...just like you stiles....always sarcastic but came up with the plans,always funny but the smartes....and always hiding but the strongest....."deaton said,stiles looked at the ground as he tried to imagine his mother being like him....not only sarcastic but also running with supernaturals...bateling monsters.

"You know stiles....when you were younger your mother used to give you these unsolveble riddles for a kid your age....and you had to solve them
Before she would let you go to sleep....it made your mind stronger....
Less vunreble to the creatures she had seen...."stiles listend closely....this man was telling him his mother might have been the reason he survived the nougitsune...

"Like what?"he asked...interested in what the man had to say.

"What is it that no man ever yet did see, which never was, but always is to be?"deaton asked with a small smile forming on his lips.stiles's brain was wrecking itself for an anwser....
But he couldn't think of one.sighing in defeat he saw deaton smiling more.

"Don't worry stiles....you'll find out eventualy.....but i sugest we start training before one of your packmates wake up and want to hang with you"deaton chuckled as he saw stiles check his phone.

<<the hale pack chat>>
QueenLyds changed Mcpuppy-eyes's name to PuppyMcCall..

What-the-hale?!:okay guyes packmeating in 5 k?

PuppyMcCall:okay,i'll bring kira and lydia.

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