Dating One Direction

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Ariana's POV

I got bored so i got on twitter to see whats new and i saw a tweet from Keshia and it said ''being  pleased seductively by the one and only @The_Real_LIam_Payne xx love my babe

So i post a tweet and a pic of me and Harry looking like wen were finna get freaky but we only did it to mock them and sed ''he so romantic when he seduces me xx @Harry_Styles he loves me gentle :-* (biting my lip so t turns him on)'' its his weakness !!!!!!

''Hey Harry, we should go bust in on Liam and Keshia's love scene to get a good laugh''

''okay, this ought to be good for a while'' Harry said  laughing just thinking about it.  So we run out the door as I grab me phone and Harry grab his and his keys.

Liam lives like fifteen minutes away so we had to step on it.......we got their in five minutes i was surprised.

We had to park the car a couple of houses away from his so he won't hear us coming up the drive way.

We crept inside and up the stair as we hear Keshia's screams  while me and Harry wee trying not to laugh we counted to five and burst through the door and yelled OMG SO WE DON'T GET INVITED TO JOIN YOUR SEDUCTIVE PARTY!!!!!!  everyone bursted out laughing!!!!!

Liam's POV

OMG as  soon as i got control of Keshia's moaning Harry an Ari burst through the door yelling and laughing ......then Ari said to look on twitter the mocked Keshia tweet about getting seduced.  They are so immature which is one of the reasons why i love them they know how to have a little fun but get serious hen they need to. umm i have nothing else to say but justknow iwill get them back

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